Chapter 428 (2/2)

At the indication of an assistant, Qin Guan and Zhang Yimou stepped on the carpet

The host n Fil Yiot the chance to hear his full narateful for the honor

Sister Xue nearly cried her eyes out as she watched Qin Guan set a foot on the red carpet

Qin Guan looked his absolute best He was a co hours So Yimou was the only Chinese director who looked handsome in a western style suit If they saw the red carpet Oscar show though, they would admit that Qin Guan was theall the foreign reporters stood a lonely figure He had been sent by the Xinlang website and had gone to the cere for his own expenses As the only Chinese media representative there, he focused on ”Heroes”

Because of his liet, he could only take some photos He had no video camera His only chance to take pictures hen they were on the red carpet

”Director Zhang is co! Get ready!”

Unlike the excited Chinese reporter, the other foreign reporters put down their heavy ca pictures of the Dutch star before Qin Guan and Director Zhang The con Film were not as ih, they hastened to lift their ca and natural as his own skin Everyone took in his perfect figure Inlaid, handcrafted e on his chest As he ht like pure sand on a beach

Even the outfit couldn't surpass the elegance of the Asian actor hih the ht

He waved his right hand at the crowd On the cael fallen froht at everyone around hi and Qin Guan!”

Finally, the Chinese reporter caught sight of the only Chinese faces on the red carpet