Chapter 216 (2/2)
The old rave as he heard EdHe could clearly tell that Ed wasn't referring to him when he said ”you”Instead, he meant the whole continentEd only found out about the old man's position after he called the Adalrick fa chip and win himself a continent
”I cannot decide such a thing on ure of the Central Government, there are still other proI-I…” The oldJillian, but it weighed tooEd, but he could tell that it wouldn't work
”I cannot decide such a thing on ure of the Central Government, there are still other proI-I…” The oldJillian, but it weighed tooEd, but he could tell that it wouldn't work
”Didn't you just mention how her family saved and helped you, and your continent? And yet, you can't offer your assistance to save just one member of that family? I only said that you would become a subordinate, not a slaveIf you need to convince someone, then now is the ti since they suffered such a huge blow lately by losing our continentI can understand how the Adalrick family is in a weak position due to the sacrifices, but there's no need for you to worry either”
The old man listened to Ed's words, as he waited for a way to weasel out of this situationStill, the sight of Jillian being held by a sword didn't allow him to focus
”You don't need to worry, you have the Avalon faWith our help, you'll pay back your debt to the Adalrick family, and take back the continent to yourselfSo, ill it be?” With no way out, the oldup Ed's offer
With Ed's serious dele inch froto lose froround
”If you will spare her life…If you will help this ailing continent, then I yield” The oldhis head towards Ed
With Ed's serious dele inch froto lose froround
”If you will spare her life…If you will help this ailing continent, then I yield” The oldhis head towards Ed
”I seeThen, the partnershi+p is official” Ed said as he withdrew his ShusuiJillian stood up while looking at the old man and muttered, ”Uncle…”
”It's a bit earlier than planned, but we'll head back to Avalon for a secMister guard, you are not to say a single word of what happened today to anyoneOtherwise, so bad will happen to you! Reuard, who felt so out of place that he started i around his head, as he teleported everyone out of that place
No one reuardSo? You dont expect ht? Ed shot an inquisitive look at the old edy that affected many peoples livesThe fact that it couldnt be avoided made it even harder on the hearts of those that mournedEd and all those present understood that no one could be bla the hich hy Jillian attacked EdIf you mean to tell me, that I should let myself be killed because I caused the death of LetifThen I should kill her because of the deaths he causedEd wouldnt budge froedies of the war, and he wouldnt back down just because she felt that wayThats not what I meant! The oldthe killing intent protruding out of the eyes of Eds companionsThats not what I meant… The old man repeated his words, softly this time, as he clenched his handsHer father, and her older brother; LetifThe only reason this continent ed to escape the wrath of Blood sect was thanks to theret filled the Blood sect as a co away all of their precious treasures, Blood sect turned a blind eye on usAll I ask of you is to allow the Adalrik fa anythem into a backer… The old mans eyes becaled to try and say so, but only a muffled voice escapedMehen… Ed called out to his coht hand outIn an instant, Mehen let go of Jillians body, letting her out of his clutches, and wrapped hih! Jillian dropped down to her knees and started coughingAlthough soo without air for as htened around her lungs caused her to gasp for airShe could only hold on while he was constricting her body, but when he let go, she could feel the dae he causedThank you for your benevolence! The oldEdHe believed that Jillian was now safeYou see, old manEds words dropped, like a bomb, on the old mans earsHe stood up and looked bewildered at EdThe fact that they sacrificed soBlood sectNone of them matter to meWhat matters is the fact that at that moment, the moment when I stood in front of him, I was attackedMuch similar to how this lady just attackedat Jillians neckIf you want to save her, you need to offer sohs asto let Jillian goFrom her previous attack, he could tell that she didnt plan to kill hi her brothers e the fact that she attacked himHe wasnt as soft-hearted as to let a potential enemy live for no reasonSince you seem to be in a whirlpool of self-doubt, let azed upon the sweaty face of the old dorave as he heard EdHe could clearly tell that Ed wasnt referring to him when he said youInstead, he meant the whole continentEd only found out about the old mans position after he called the Adalrick fa chip and win hi on ure of the Central Government, there are still other proI-I… The oldJillian, but it weighed tooEd, but he could tell that it wouldnt workDidnt you just mention how her family saved and helped you, and your continent? And yet, you cant offer your assistance to save just one member of that family? I only said that you would become a subordinate, not a slaveIf you need to convince someone, then now is the ti since they suffered such a huge blow lately by losing our continentI can understand how the Adalrick family is in a weak position due to the sacrifices, but theres no need for you to worry eitherThe old man listened to Eds words, as he waited for a way to weasel out of this situationStill, the sight of Jillian being held by a sword didnt allow him to focusYou dont need to worry, you have the Avalon faWith our help, youll pay back your debt to the Adalrick family, and take back the continent to yourselfSo, ill it be? With no way out, the oldup Eds offerWith Eds serious dele inch froto lose froroundIf you will spare her life…If you will help this ailing continent, then I yieldThe oldhis head towards EdI seeThen, the partnershi+p is officialEd said as he withdrew his ShusuiJillian stood up while looking at the old man and muttered, Uncle…Its a bit earlier than planned, but well head back to Avalon for a secMister guard, you are not to say a single word of what happened today to anyoneOtherwise, so bad will happen to you! Reuard, who felt so out of place that he started i around his head, as he teleported everyone out of that placeNo one reuard