Chapter 142 (1/2)
Chapter 142
Inside the Acropolis, a lone hu black hair that reached her hips aitingHer eyes black, yet her face shi+ned with a white radianceShe had a white dress that hid even her feetHer face pure without any single deformitiesHer rosy lips and cheeks added to her charelNot because of her transcending beauty, but because of the pair of pristine black wings on her back
The wings were spread out as if to intimidate people, yet it served the opposite purposeAnyone who saw the wings would undoubtedly approach the womanEd and the others couldn't help but adIn addition to her beauty, even the air around he felt majestic
Not long after, the woman noticed Ed and his companions and spoke”Thee who is't cameth to dare me, prepareth yourselves!” in a heartbeat, the majestic air disappeared because of the way she spokeNot only were her words weird to listen to, but even her actions while speaking was absurdShe waved her hands around and put theh noteEd and his teah expectations they had for her was gone
”Is so with her Suu?” Suika looked at Ed in a worried way”I hope not…” Ed didn't want to fight a s to last him a lifetime
”Why do you speak this way?” Ed couldn't hold it in and asked her
”What doe-doth theeher actIt was apparent that she was faking this, as even she struggled to speak
”Stop speaking that way, it's weird,” Ed told her bluntly
”How dareth thee? The way I speaketh is p'rfect!” Not wanting to believe Ed, she pointed her finger at him and shouted
'No, it's really weird…' Ed thought to himself while a wry smile forcefully formed on his face
”Is it really weird?” right after Ed finished his thought; the angel woman spoke to himEd was shocked but still answered her”Yes”
”Then I'll stopI thought it made me sound cool” Everyone couldn't help but think it was a stupid reason
”Well then, MrEdwardI' you'd like to
”I don't re youand confronted herThe ser, she spoke
”It is simple for me to read someone'sto be an easy oneBut at the same time, he knew that her poould be usefulPlus, her character wasn't bad so he atte
”Only if I loseThere is no benefit for el already read hishim
”That can be arranged!” everyone present switched to battle elNot exactly an opponent they can take it easy on
”That can be arranged!” everyone present switched to battle elNot exactly an opponent they can take it easy on
The angel shook her wings a couple of times, and hundreds of feathers were reround, they floated as if caught by soeted Ed and his companionsTheir speed was ih-speedin his rookie forivolveHe turned into MetalGreymon and blocked the feathers with his metal armSimilarly, Ed and the others handled the feathers in their oay
”Oh, then how about this” Sounding is for a bit and disappeared froh speed didn't allow anyone to be able to follow herExcept for EdEd intercepted her while she was still
”Oh el stopped Ed's slash by one of her wings and attacked him with the other
”Soed to the backHe used his Observation Haki and Ryuusui SeikkukenPredicting the el this as mere child's play