62 Going To Town or Beach? (1/2)
Yu Sha sighed. ”Ugh... Su Na, I didn't make my way to the top of the food chains just to eat fancy grasses.” She did not like salad and vegetables very much. She thought they tasted a lot like grasses though she had never tasted grass nor knew what grass tasted like.
Yu Sha did try to consume a little portion of vegetable to get a variety of vitamins, but vegetable was last on her ”to eat list.”
”Su Na, do you want to go into town or you want to go soak in the beach later?” Yu Sha asked.
”Hmm… I would like to go into town but then I prefer when we get two days off to go there. That way we can do more and stay in town overnight.”
Yu Sha nodded. ”Mn mn... I agree.”
Su Na twirled her fingers around her hair while looking out to the beach thinking of what to do, after a moment she excitedly said, ”Let's go out to the beach by the cliff. It is beautiful there. We can take some pictures too.”
”Okay. Let's plan on doing that.” Yu Sha smiled. She had been there twice though Su Na had no knowledge of it.
Before they realized it, their food arrived. Yu Sha's stomach was growling since she did not eat breakfast and with her metabolism, she usually tried to eat three meals a day.
Dao Txu was paying close attention to the girls' conversation. He even overheard that they were going to the cliff. Maybe he would sneak by the area later to strike up conversations with the two girls.
Long Kue was paying close attention to the facial expression and air of the prince, but as usual, there was no change at all.
The prince remained calmed and uninterested as there were two idiots sitting so close next to him. He continued to eat his food with a stone face as usual but took his time.
Since the men arrived first, they got their food before the girls, so they slowly ate their food before the two girls.
Each of them had their own motive to eat slowly. Dao Txu wanted to find out what the girls were doing by listening to their conversation while Long Kue wanted to see the change in the facial expression of the prince.