Part 15 (1/2)
This is but a sa waited upon God in simple faith, help has arrived at the very hour it has been needed
Soraphs in Muller's yearly reports read almost like a fairy story, only they are fara record of _facts_
Thus in May, 1892, when the financial year of the institution began, they had in hand for their School, Bible, Missionary and Tract funds only 17 8s 5-1/2 d
In June of that year a packet was found at Hereford Railway Station containing eleven sovereigns, addressed to Mr Muller, with nothing but these words inside, ”From a Cheerful Giver, Bristol, for Jesus'
Sake” In the same month came 100, ”from two servants of the Lord Jesus, who, constrained by the love of Christ, seek to lay up treasure in Heaven”
A Newcastle h finances were low he doubled the sum usually sent to the institution, ”in faith and also with much joy”
A sickapparently all the ain,” writes Mr Muller, ”I have had cheques a even to 5000, fro their donations”
Other paragraphs in the report read thus: ”Received anonye cheeses; received a box of dessert knives and forks, a cruet, a silver soup ladle and a silver cup; from Clifton, twelve tons house coals; froht, and ten feet long and twenty-one inches broad”
On 1st August 82 5s caentleman in Devon, who for more than forty-five years has froh I have never seen him”
”To-day,” writes Muller on 7th Septeether was about 300--a plain proof that we do not wait on the Lord in vain; for every donation we receive is a direct answer to prayer, because we never ask a single hu” On 29th October Mr
Muller writes: ”For several days very little has come in for the support of the various objects of the institution To-day, again, only about 15 was received by the first four deliveries of letters; at 5:45 I had for the third ti God to help us, and a little after 6 ph”
A gold chain and watch-key, two gold brooches, and a pair of earrings were sent to Mr Muller, with the following co riches of God's grace, been brought to the Lord Jesus, wish to lay aside the perishi+ng gold of the world for the unsearchable riches of Christ, and send the enclosed for the support of the orphans”
The above are frole yearly report--that for 1893 Scores of similar donations in money and kind are recounted in the same annual statement In that year Mr Muller was able to speak of his conversion as having taken place nearly sixty-eight years ago The work has been wonderfully blessed In the report mentioned Mr Muller stated that the total amount he had received by prayer and faith for the various objects of his institutions, since 5th March, 1834, had been 1,309,627; that no fewer than 8727 children had been under his care; and that he had room at his Homes for 2050 orphans
”Oh, mother! ask what you will, and I shall do it”
So said Robert Moffat as he stood with hisfor the boat to ferry hiood situation as gardener in Cheshi+re was bidding farewell that day to home and parents, and about to face the world alone
His ed him to promise to do whatsoever she asked, and he had hesitated, wishi+ng to know first what it was that she wanted
At last, however, re she had always been, he had consented Her request was a very si
”I only ask whether you will read a chapter in the Bible every ”
”Mother,” he replied, ”you know I read my Bible”
”I know you do,” was her answer; ”but you do not read it regularly, or as a duty you owe to God, its Author”