Part 11 (2/2)

His last journey was to Russia At Cherson he received an urgent request to visit a lady who had the fever The place where she lived was ood horses were to be obtained But he was determined not to disappoint her; so he procured a dray horse and started for his destination on a wintry night, with rain falling in torrents As a result of this journey he was stricken down by the fever, and died 20th January, 1790

Hoas a very hard worker, and a al habits He was often up by two o'clock in thebusiness till seven, when he breakfasted He ate no flesh food, and drank no wine or spirits He had a great dislike to any fuss being h 1500 was subscribed during his life to erect a memorial, it was, at his earnest desire, either returned to the subscribers or spent in assisting poor debtors

But after his death a memorial was put up in St Paul's, and quite recently a an his labours on behalf of the prisoners



It was the time of the Indian Mutiny Lucknoas in the hands of the rebels Within the Residency Sir James Outram, Sir Henry Havelock, and their troops, were fast shut up, around them a vast multitude of mutineers But now near at hand was Sir Colin Campbell with the army of relief

It was difficult, nay, alh that multitude of fierce and bloodthirsty foes; and yet it was of the utmost importance that Sir Colin should have so within the Residency, and show him the best route by which his troops could approach

If any h and failed, death--or perhaps worse still, horrible torture--was his certain fate But there was one man who deterh

It was so dangerous a matter that when Sir James Outram heard of his proposal he declared he would not have asked one of his officers to attee But in the end he accepted the offer, and Kavanagh prepared for the journey

Dressing hi his face and hands with lampblack, he was so altered in appearance that even his friends failed to recognise hiuised, and accouide hiht, fortunately, was dark and favoured their design The first thing they did was to ford the Goomtee, a river about a hundred yards wide, and four or five feet deep Taking off their garh's courage reached a low ebb, and he wished hiot to the opposite bank in safety, and crouching up a ditch found a grove of trees, where they dressed

Kavanagh's confidence had now returned, and he felt so sure of his disguise that he even exchanged a feords with aon for about half a e over the river, and here they were challenged by a native officer Kavanagh kept judiciously in the shade whilst the guide advanced and answered the questions put to him satisfactorily, and they were allowed to proceed A little further they passed through a nuo by without inquiry Having had the good fortune to get unperceived past a sentry as closely questioning a native, they caainst the armed rebels, ould have killed them in a moment had their suspicion been aroused But no ed by a watchreat relief out in the open country

They were now in the best of spirits, and went along for a few ladness Then ca direction, and were returning into thefor Kavanagh Suppose the spy after all were playing him false It seemed an extraordinary mistake to have made

Happily it was stupidity not treason that had caused the disastrous loss of tiuide was full of sorrow for his error

There was nothing now to be done but to return as quickly as possible; but they were for a while in an aard fix, as they could get no one to direct theuide the and alarht, so there was no tih fell several times, for his shoes et and slippery, and he was footsore and weary By this time the shoes he wore had rubbed the skin off his toes and cut into the flesh above the heels

About two o'clock in theit safer not to try and avoid the answered the inquiries put to theht

They now made for Sir Colin's cae called Bunnee, about eighteen miles from Lucknow The moon had risen by this time, and they could now see their way clearly About three o'clock a villager observing theuard of twenty-five ot frightened, for the first time; and threay the letter he had received, for fear of being taken, but Kavanagh kept his in his turban At last they satisfied the guard that they were poor e of Umroola to inform a friend of the death of his brother, and they were directed on their perilous road

Hardly had they got through one difficulty than they were into another For now they found themselves in a swamp, where they waded for two hours up to their waists in water Thishis way through the weeds nearly all the black ashed off Kavanagh's hands Had they after this been seen by the enemy there would have been little chance of either of theainst the spy's advice, Kavanagh now insisted on a quarter of an hour's rest, for he was about worn out After this they passed between two of the enemy's pickets who, happily for therove of trees Here he asked Kunoujee Lal to see if there was any one who could tell theone far, however, they heard with joy the English challenge, ”Who goes there?” They had reached a British cavalry outpost, and Kavanagh's eyes filled with tears as he shook the officer's hand They took hiave him some dry clothes and refreshh the perils of that awful night

All through the British cah's brave deed; and the enthusiasm of officers and men alike knew no bounds

The inforreatest assistance; and a little later he had the honour of conducting Sir James Outram and Sir Henry Havelock into the presence of Sir Colin Careat commanders

When the arh was always near the coth they drew near to the besieged, he was one of the first at the Residency, and as he approached a loud cheer burst forth froh!” they shouted ”He is the first to relieve us Three cheers for hiallant services he received the Victoria Cross, and was afterwards made assistant-Commissioner of Oude