Part 8 (2/2)

Whilst, however, the dispute was going on, the e_ opened coereed that those on board _The Revenge_ should be sent to England in due course; those of the better sort to pay a reasonable ransom, and meantime no one was to be ireed to this readily, not only because (knowing the disposition of his adversary) he feared further loss to his own side by prolonging the fight, but because he greatly admired the valour of Sir Richard Grenville, and desired to save his life TheSir Richard and hi, would have slain himself rather than fall into the hands of the ene out his intention and locked in his cabin

Being sent for by Don Alfonso Bassan, the Spanish co that he ht do as he pleased with his body, for he estee carried out of the shi+p he swooned, and reviving again desired the coh the Spaniards treated Sir Richard with every care and consideration, he died the second or third day after the fight, deeply lamented both by, the enemy and by his own men

”Here die I, Richard Grenville,” said he, ”with a joyful and quiet ht to do, that hath fought for his country, queen, religion and honour Whereby my soul most joyfully departeth out of this body, and shall always leave behind it an everlasting fame of a valiant and true soldier, that hath done his duty as he was bound to do”

The reason the other British shi+ps did not take part in the contest was that it was altogether hopeless; and that, had the admiral ordered it, the entire fleet would probably have fallen into the hands of the Spaniards, seeing that they so greatly outnumbered the British shi+ps

Six sainst fifty-three bigger ones filled with soldiers was too great a disparity of force to give even a hope of victory

And, although Lord Hoould hiainst such odds as that, yet the other coreatly opposed to so rash an enterprise; and the master of his own shi+p said he would rather jump into the sea than conduct her Majesty's shi+p and the rest to be a prey to the eneht alone on that Septeiven us one of the es in the annals of our national history



Fancy Hannington, of all persons in the world, turningout to preach the Gospel to the blacks!

It is well-nigh incredible at first thought that such a light-hearted, rollicking, jovial fellow could have given up _everything_ for such a work as that!

He had plenty of money, hosts of friends, wife, children, any a, in fact, that can

What could possibly o into the wilds of Africa to be tores?

I will try and show briefly how it caton was the veriest pickle, and was nicknamed ”Mad Jim”

On one occasion he lit a bonfire in his dormitory, he pelted the Gerle day was caned over a dozen tiht the bullies, and kept his word; he was brave, honest and reat favourite

When about fifteen years old he was put into his father's business at Brighton His life there was certainly not hard or trying He was allowed to travel a great deal, and thus went over a considerable part of Europe, enjoying hi Still, he had no taste for the counting-house; and after six years gave it up to becoyman, and forthwith proceeded to Oxford

Both at Oxford and at Martinhoe, in North Devon, where he spent soton preserved his reputation for fun and love of adventure At Oxford he took part in practical jokes innu and adventurous scrambles occupied some little of his time

One day he ith two co this they discovered a narrow hole leading to a further cave, which was below high-water ed to squeeze hi it to his co in, and iet out of his perilous position at once

Easier said than done The difficulty he had found in getting in was a trifle coe out He tried head first, then feet first, and whilst his friends tugged he squeezed It was of no use

The sea had al seemed certain

Then, quite hopeless of escape, he bade his coood-bye All at once it occurred to hi off his clothes This made just the difference required, and with a treot out of his prison-house in the very nick of time

A little later comes an important entry in his diary: ”---- opened a correspondence with htful; it led to my conversion”