Part 6 (2/2)
I could not tell anything about the sense of hearing; the perfect stillness of the regions six miles from the earth--and at that tih--is such that no sound reaches the ear My last observation was made at 29,000 feet Whilst powerless I heard the words 'temperature' and 'observation,' and I knew Mr coxas in the car, speaking toto rousehad returned I then heard him speak more emphatically, but I could not speak or move Then I heard him say, 'Do try; now do!' Then I saw the instruments dimly, next Mr coxwell, and very shortly I saw clearly I rose infrom sleep, and said to Mr
coxwell, 'I have been insensible' He said, 'Yes; and I too very nearly ' Mr coxwell informed me that he had lost the use of his hands, which were black, and I poured brandy over them”
When Mr coxwell saw that Mr Glaisher was insensible he tried to go to hi over hi lost the use of his hands he could not, and ulti the cord with his teeth and dipping his head two or three tiht of 36,000 or 37,000 feet--about seven her than Mount Everest, the loftiestMr Glaisher had a narrow escape fro
He and Mr coxwell started from the Crystal Palace at a little past one o'clock on the 18th of April, 1863, and in an hour and thirteen ht it would be just as well to see where they were, so they opened the valve to let out the gas, and came down a mile in three minutes When, at a quarter to three, they were still 10,000 feet high Mr coxwell caught sight of Beachy Head and exclai over the car Mr Glaisher found that they see the sea!
Not aon to the valve-line, rending the balloon in two places Down, down, down at a tre up to them with awful swiftness; and a round at Newhaven close to the sea The balloon had been so dah most of the instruments were smashed their lives were saved
Much valuable scientific information has been obtained by Mr
Glaisher, and by those who, like him, have made perilous journeys into cloudland
”That great allant soldier and true Christian, Charles Gordon”--THE PRINCE OF WALES
Charles George Gordon was born at Woolwich on the 28th of January, 1833
In early life he was delicate, and of all professions that of a soldier seemed least suitable for hi
He was a fearless lad, with a strong will of his own When he was only nine years old, and was yet unable to swi to soet hio on a pleasure excursion because of soiven perh it was, dear to the heart of a lad
After passing through the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich he obtained in 1852 a coineers, and was sent out to the Crimea in December, 1854, with instructions to put up wooden huts for our soldiers, ere dying from cold in that icy land
On his way he wrote fro her of the sights and scenes he has witnessed, mentions that he will leave Marseilles ”DV on Monday for Constantinople”
Whilst in the Crimea he worked in the trenches twenty hours at a stretch ti a party at night he was fired at by his own sentries On another occasion he ounded in the forehead, and continued his ithout showing any concern He found it dull when no fighting was going on, but when there were bullets flying then it was exciting enough
He was mentioned in the official despatches, and received froion of Honour
Five years later Gordon was fighting with the English and French armies in China Shortly after he was made commander of a force that was commissioned by the Es, of so dangerous a character that it threatened to overturn the monarchy
Gordon had only about 3000the fact that when he took over the force it had just been demoralised by defeat, he soon proved himself more than a match for the rebel hordes From one victory to another he led his men on, and cities fell in quick succession before hiht of an army in the reat mark in the Chinese Empire