Part 38 (1/2)
Up to this time the last named lady had not said a word, the distress she was in restraining her But as mistress there, she saas her turn to speak, which she did, saying--
”If we are your prisoners, Colonel Santander, I hope you will not take us away from here till my father comes home As you may be aware, he's in the city”
”I alad to say my orders enable me to conacio returns I'--a very absurd requirement, but one which often falls to the lot of the soldier as well as the _policeh that accompanied them had any effect on her for whom they were intended With disdain in her eyes, such as a captive queen uard over her, the Condesa had already turned her back upon the speaker and alking away With like proud air, but less confident and scornful, Luisa Valverde followed Both were allowed to pass inside, leaving the Hussar colonel to take such ht think fit
His first step was to order in the remainder of his escort and distribute them around the house, so that in ten nacio Valverde bore resemblance to a barrack, with sentinels at every entrance and corner!
Scarce necessary to say that Luisa Valverde and Ysabel Alth really alarer
It was no more a question of the safety of their lovers, but their own
And the prospect was dark, indeed Santander had said nothing of the reason for arresting theer doubting that it ing to revelations made by the hunchback
Sure now that this diminutive wretch not only hiher quarters, there see thenity to their persons they were already experiencing would be followed by social disgrace, and confiscation of property
”Oh, Ysabelita! ill they do to us?” was the Dona Luisa's anxious interrogatory, soon as they had got well inside their room ”Do you think they'll put us in a prison?”
”Possibly they will I wish there was nothing worse awaiting us”
”Worse! Do you mean they'd inflict punishment on us--that is, corporal punishment? Surely they daren't?”
”Daren't! Santa Anna dare anything--at least, neither shame nor mercy will restrain him No more this other man, his minion, whom you know better than I But it isn't punish of”
”What then, Ysabel? The loss of our property? It'll be all taken from us, I suppose”
”In all likelihood it will,” rejoined the Condesa, with as h her estates, value far ht
”Oh!to me 'Twill kill him!”
”No, no, Luisita! Don't fear that He will survive it, if aught survives of our country's liberty And it will, all of it, be restored again 'Tis soain the other asked ”What?” her countenance showing increased anxiety
”What we as woht else From the loss of lands, houses, riches of any sort, one matic as were the words, Luisa Valverde needed no explanation of thenified her apprehension by exclaien Santissima_!”
”The prison they will take us to,” pursued the Countess, ”is a place-- that in the Plaza Grande We shall be immured there, and at the mercy of that man, that monster! O God!--O Mother of God, protect ly, with face buried in her hands
It was a rare thing for the Condesa Almonte to be so moved--rather, to show despondence--and her friend was affected accordingly For there was another man at whose mercy she herself would be--one like a monster, and as she well knew equally unmerciful--he who at that moment was under the same roof with them--in her father's house, for the tiainst hope, ”surely they will not dare to--”