Part 25 (1/2)
”_El Capitan_!” exclai of pleased surprise ”And free again! I' you!”
”Thanks, good Gregorio! And while you're about it, you ive part of your praise to a lady, who had so to do with it--indeed, two of them”
”Ah! Senor Capitan, I think I know one of them anyhow, and in all Mexico I can say--ay, swear it--”
”True, true!” interrupted the Captain ”But stay your asseveration
There's no time to talk about the Senoritas now My friends and I are in want of soot in the larder?”
”Not one to bed, with everybody else But they'll only be too delighted to get up when they hear it's your worshi+p coo and rouse them, Senor?”
”No, no Let the will do for us We're as ued as famished, and wish to be in bed ourselves as soon as possible So look out whatever eatables there are, and don't forget the drinkables I trust the cellar isn't as low as the larder?”
”No, Senor Of that I can speak with more confidence Not a cork has been drawn since you left us--I mean of the best wines Only the common Canario was drunk in your absence”
”In that case, mayor-domo, we may sup satisfactorily, so far as the liquids are concerned, should the solids prove deficient Bring a bottle of Burgundy, another of the Brown Madeira, and, let me see--yes, one of old Pedro Xiars?”
”Not one of theave out only _puros_”
”What a faithful steward you've proved yourself, Gregorio! Well, along with the wine, let us have a bundle of Imperadores We haven't tasted tobacco for days, and are all dying for a smoke”
By this tih a long corridor, stillfrom a side-door, which stood open By this Rivasto the others to pass on inside, which they did Not all of them, however; only Kearney and Rock A different disposition he undy and Madeira to drink, with the s to the crooked se with a puzzled air, he whispered to the latter--
”Take the beast back, and shut hi to eat, but see to his being securely kept Insignificant as he looks, there's ht take it into his head to stray You coorio?”
”I do, your worshi+p I'll take care to stow hi which, the ht the hunchback by one of his ears--grand auricles they were-- and led hi behind
Rivas did not stay till they were out of sight, but turning, stepped inside the room into which he had ushered the other two
It was rather a large apartment, but plainly and sparsely furnished; a deal table and half a dozen common chairs, with leathern backs and bottoms, such as may be seen in most Mexican houses It was better supplied with ar in corners, with swords hanging against the walls, and a variety of accoutreuard-house than the reception-rooos_” said the Mexican, after rejoining his guests, on whose faces he could not fail to note an odd inquiring expression, ”I can at last say to you, feel safe, if I can't assure you of a supper good as I'd wish to give Still, if I mistake not, 'twill be superior to our prison fare _Por Dios_! Having to put up with that was punish set to work in the sewers”
”Ah,” re for himself and the Texan, ”had you been one of us prisoners from Mier up to Mexico, the diet you complain of would have seeive you to eat?”
”Brown beans only half boiled, _tortillas_, usually cold; and so at all”
”_Carrae But nothing to surprise Just as Santa Anna ht be expected to treat his captive eneners More cruel tyrant never ruled country But his reign, thank Heaven, will not be long I've reason for saying that, and better still for thinking it”
The little interlude of dialogue was brought to a close by the entrance of the lasses He had orders to bring the wine first, the cigars along with it
Lu all down upon the table, he left them to wait upon themselves, while he went off to ransack the pantry soon to return with a sufficiency of viands, and savoury enough to satisfy men who had just come out of the Acordada There was cold uesas de Guatemala,” with a variety of fruit to follow Verily a supper at which even a gourh it was but the _debris_ of a dinner, which seeuests
Not long lingered they over it, before whom it was set a second tile of days, and more the mental worry attendant, even the wine freely quaffed failed to excite them afresh
Rest and sleep they ain showed his face at the door, saying--