Part 22 (1/2)

The Free Lances Mayne Reid 33640K 2022-07-20



Interesting as is the Mexican Valley in a scenic sense, it is equally so in the geological one; perhaps no part of the earth's crust of like lireater attractions to him ould study the lore of the rocks There he may witness the action of both Plutonic and Volcanic forces, not alone in records of the buried past, but still existing, and too oft hty power in the earthquake and the burning mountain

There also may be observed the opposed processes of deposition and denudation in the slitting up of great lakes, and the doearing of hills by tropical rain stor from them

Nor is any portion of this elevated plateau al”; a tract lying in its south-western corner, contiguous to the Cerro de Ajusco, whose suht of 6,000 feet and 13,000 above the level of the sea

It is a field of lava vo past, which, as it cooled, became rent into fissures and honey-combed with cavities of every conceivable shape Spread over many square miles of surface, it tenders this part of the valley almost impassable No wheeled vehicle can be taken across it; and even the Mexican horse and h it with difficulty, and only by one or two known paths To the pedestrian it is a task; and there are places into which he even cannot penetrate without scaling cliffs and traversing chaserous It bristles with cactus, zuccas, and other foretation, characteristic of a barren soil But there are spots of great fertility--hollohere the volcanic ashes were deposited--for little _oases_, into which the honest Indian finds his way for purposes of cultivation Others less honest seek refuge in its caves and coverts, fugitives froaols--not always criminals, however, for within it the proscribed patriot and defeated soldier oft find an asylum

In the four individuals who had now entered there was all this variety, if he who directed their movements hat the Condesa Almonte described him In any case, he appeared fa to Kearney, as they went on--

”No thanks to e; when a boy bird-nested and trapped armadilloes all over it

Twisted as this path is, it will take us to a spot where we needn't fear any soldiers following us--not this night anyhow To-morrow they may, and welcoreat difficulty, and th They were forced to clah thickets of cactus, whose spines, sharp as needles, lacerated their skins With the coupling-chains still on, it was all the more difficult to avoid the at the place where their conductor dee particular, ht without danger of being seen fro into it, Rivas said--

”Now, Don Florencio, you can finish the little job you were interrupted at, without ain”

At which he raised the chain, and held it rested on soe So placed, the file ress, and in a short ti them walk freely apart

”_Caballero_!” exclai an attitude as if about to propose a toast; ”may our friendshi+p be er together--for life, I hope”

Kearney would not have been a son of Erin to refuse reciprocating the pretty compliment, which he did with all due warmth and readiness

But his as not over Rock and Zorillo had yet to be uncoupled; the for to be delivered more than any of the four

He had conceived a positive disgust for the hunchback; though, as already said, less on account of the creature's physical thanthe short while they were together Nor had it needed for hinomist, he could read in Zorillo's eyes the evil disposition of the animal from which he drew his name

As Kearney approached hi it on a ledge of rock, said--

”Cut through thar, Cap--the link as air nixt to my ankle-clasp”

This was different to what had been done with the other, which had been severed centrally It was not intended to take off the whole of the chains yet The Mexican said there was no tiot farther on

”Yer see, Cap,” added Rock, giving a reason for the request, ”'fore it's all over, who knows I ie the dwarf the hul o' the chain to carry He desarve to hev it, or suthin' else, round his thrapple 'stead o' his leg This chile have been contagious to the grist o' queer company in his peraht of hiut ache”

And in his quaint vernacular he thus rambled on all the ti an appropriate sy of the file

He at the other end of the coupling-chain lay squatted along the ground, saying not a word, but his eyes full of sparkle and ed rattle-snake Still, there was fear in his face; for though he could not tell as being said, he fancied it was about hi but in his favour He ith the other three, but not of them; his conscience told hi, and would be hereafter What if they took into their heads to rid theht cut his throat with one of the knives he had seen the in this fashi+on, no wonder he was apprehensive