Part 18 (1/2)

The Free Lances Mayne Reid 48750K 2022-07-20

But on this also appeared rescuers--a pair of the! Allwith as erness as the others--more in reality--to release the imperilled senoritas A proof that huaol-bird; and the spectators, pleased with an exhibition of it, so rare and unexpected, were preparing to applaud them enthusiastically

Their admiration, however, received a rude and al to wild astonishot their door open first; but the ladies, apparently terrified at the rough, unclean creatures, refused to go out that way, and only shrank back Luckily, the other was by this also opened, and they h it into the street But not before the two scavengers had leaped up into the carriage beside theiven them a rude shove outward!

That was not all the spectators saw to astonish thehtning rapidity One was indeed of siers-- the _gigante y enano_--rushi+ng towards the coach the dwarf before hi after Then, jerking the reins and whip out of Josh's hands--letting him still keep his seat, however,--he loosened the one, and laid the lash of the other on the horses' hips, so sharply and vigorously, as to start theallop

Meanwhile, the uncouth couple inside had pulled-to the doors, shutting theantly dressed ladies--a transforrotesque as to see behind a crowd as much amazed as any that ever witnessed spectacle on the streets of the Mexican metropolis



Quite a combination of circumstances had favoured the escape of the four _forzados_--the balking of the horses, the absence of Douards--from their brains bemuddled with drink

But there was yet another lucky chance that stood them in stead--the point from which they had started The line of sentries ended at the Alamedas Gate, and, as the one posted there was he who had thee, once past hile bullet sent after theet that, fortune favouring theh last on the line outward, was the first encountered by the people returning from the cere friends, with the bottle oftener presented to his lips As a consequence, when the carriage whirled past hi so fast, and none at all as to ere in it With eyes drowned in _aguardiente_ he stood as one dazed, looking after, but taking no th soht his flint-lock to an unsteady level, it would have been too late--had the piece gone off Luckily for those on the sidewalk, it did not; ht have been anticipated

Never were sentriesthe chain-gang Northeir duty, and ht expect severe punishment! possibly set at the very task they were now superintending! Still, they made no attempt to pursue They were not cavalry; and only mounted men could overtake that landau with its curious load, soon to vanish fro after it in helpless bewilder a variety of expressions, surprise, anger, fear,their posts they had gathered into a knot, and it was some time before they had so far recovered their senses as to think of despatching one of their number to the Plaza Grande after cavalry sure to be there

It was a fine opportunity for others of the gaol-birds to -chains no doubt some would avail themselves of it These, however, hindered the atte coachh for a rush

But the round was that which had collected round the ladies left carriage-less; so words of sympathy ”_Las senoritas pobres_!”

”_Pobrecitas_!”--(”The poor young ladies!” ”Poor things!”) were excla situation for the ”poor things” to be in, sure enough

But they acquitted theh she was, for courage and coolness had few to equal her In that eency no man could have shown himself her superior Her look of still untranquillised terror, the interer in her eyes as she loudly denounced the ruffians who had carried off their carriage, was a piece of acting worthy of a Rachel or Siddons He would have been a keen physiognomist who could have told that her e spectators that while being pushed out of the carriage she had contrived to whisper back to the : ”Look under the cushi+ons, _querido_! You'll find souarda_!”

Still less could they have supposed that the other young lady, looking so meek, had at the same time spoken tender words to the second ruffian who had assailed the, with the sympathy they received, seemed to themselves so comically ludicrous that, but for its serious side, neither could have kept countenance Alone the thought of the lovers not yet being beyond danger hindered their bursting out into laughter

And lest this, too, ht cease to restrain theet away froentle the place, ca them home A service accepted and, it need not be said, offered with as much alacrity as it was received

Their departure had no effect in dispersing the crohich had gathered by the Alainal, was not to be forsaken in that quick inconsiderate way

Instead, the throng grew quicker, until the street for a long stretch was packed full of people, close as they could stand Only one part of it re the open seith its bordering of blackthis, though they stood wedging one another along its edge; their faces turned towards it, with hilarity in their looks and laughter on their lips It was just the sort of spectacle to please them; the sentries in a row--for they had now sneaked back to their post-- appearing terribly crestfallen, while those over whoh expecting soon to be released from their chains With thelad to see a coh he cannot escape hi up of the spectacle in a quiet natural way It would soon have been over now, and the sightseers scattered off to their ho to retire, a new incident clai as any that had preceded, though only a single personage appeared in it

This Doaoler, who had been absent all the while at his _pulqueria_, and only just warned of the event that had so convulsed the Calle de Plateros, breaking through the crowd like an enraged bull, rushed along the sewer's edge, nourishi+ng his whip over the heads of the _forzados_, at the salect of duty! To tell the truth, he was more troubled about his own

He had received particular instructions to be watchful of four prisoners--the very ones that had escaped Wellin store for hiovernor?

For so his drunken spleen alike on soldiers or scavengers Some of the former would have retaliated; but they knew hih places, and therefore kept silent, sullenly enduring it Not so the spectators, , hated him Possibly, more than probably, some of the infinite aer, and laughed again, one crying out, ”He's as good as a bull in a ring!” another exclaiuez rey de las bastoneros_!” (”Hurrah for the Senor Do of the turnkeys!”)--a sally which elicited roars of applauding laughter

If angry before, he was now infuriated Purple in the face, he washim, when his foot slipped and down he went into the drain head foreether disappeared, and was for sohter, which had beco Nor did it cease when he re-appeared; instead, was louder and e, was now black with a li of the sewer liquid