Part 9 (1/2)

The Free Lances Mayne Reid 23730K 2022-07-20

”Ruperto!” echoed the other, the joy which had so suddenly lit up her features as suddenly returning to shadow ”I thought you were speaking of Florencio”

They understood each other now Long since had their love secrets beenwho Ruperto was Independent of what she had lately learned froood family, a soldier of some reputation; but who--as once her own father--had theto the party now out of power; many of them in exile, or retired upon their estates in the country--for the ti no part in politics As for himself, he had not been lately seen in the city of Mexico, though it was said he was still in the country; as ru theof his fair na become a robber, and that, under another name, he was now chief of a band of _salteadores_, whose deeds were oft heard of on the Acapulco Road, where this crosses the mountains near that place ofof this sinister tale, however, had reached the ears of Don Ignacio's daughter Nor till that day--indeed that very hour--had she, ht of it Hence

”Forgivethe Countess in syive me for the iveness,” returned the other, seeing theeffect ”I ought to have spoken plainer But you knoon dear Ruperto”

She did know, or should, judging by herself, and how hers had been dwelling on dear Florencio

”But, Ysabel: you say they made him a prisoner! Who has done that, and why?”

”The soldiers of the State As to why, you can easily guess Because he belongs to the party of Liberals That's why, and nothing else But they don't say so I've so more to tell you Would you believe it, Luisita, that they accuse hi a _salteador_?”

”I can believe hih for anything--but not guilty You remember ere acquainted with Don Ruperto, before that sad time ere compelled to leave the country I should say he would be the lasta robber”

”The very last man! Robber indeed! My noble Ruperto the purest of patriots, purer than any in this degenerate land _Ay-de-mi_!”

”Where did they take hiustin, and I think, several days ago, though I've only just heard of it”

”Strange that As you know, I've been staying at San Augustin for the last week orthere”

”Not likely there would be; it was all done quietly Don Ruperto has been living out that way up in the , if you choose to call it I knohere, but no ustin So back he aylaid by the soldiers, surrounded, and made prisoner There must have been a whole host of them, else they'd never have taken him so easily

I'm sure they wouldn't and couldn't”

”And where is he now, Ysabel?”

”In prison, as I've told you”

”But what prison?”

”That's just what I' to know All I've ye heard is that he's in a prison under the accusation of being a highway her tiny foot on the tesselated flags

”They who accuse hied on theh it costs me all I'a me Dios_!”

By this, the two hadcome down to receive her visitor And there, the first flurry of excitement over, they talked ibly of the affairsthem In those there was much similarity, indeed, in s hich they regarded them were diametrically opposite One knew that her lover was in prison, and grieved at it; the other hoped hers lad of it!

A strange dissimilitude of which the reader has the key

Beyond what she had already said, the Condesa had little more to communicate, and in her turn becaa mia_, why you spoke of Don Florencio The Tejano prisoners have arrived, and you are thinking he's a, but hoping it, Ysabel”

”Have you taken any steps to ascertain?”