Part 1 (1/2)
The Free Lances
by Mayne Reid
”I'll go!”
This laconis the Levee of New Orleans Just before giving utterance to it he hada dead wall, enlivened, however, by a large poster, on which were printed, in conspicuous letters, the words--
”Volunteers for Texas!”
Underneath, in s forth the treachery of Santa Anna and the whole Mexican nation, recalling in strong ter, the butchery of Ala in an appeal to all patriots and lovers of freedoainst the tyrant of Mexico and his lance given to the printed state it, he repeated the words with an e in earnest
The poster also gave inti at a certain _rendezvous_ in Poydras Street
He who read only lingered to make note of the address, which was the na to continue his hen his path was barred by a specimen of huator leather boots, on the _banquette_ by his side, ”So ye're goin', air ye?” was the half-interrogative speech that proceeded fro hi fellow, his temper a little ruffled by what appeared an i bully
”More'n you'un,” answered the booted Colossus, still standing square in the way; ”h me that bit o' paper's been put up on that 'ere wall”
”You're a bill-sticker, I suppose?” sneeringly retorted the ”young 'un”
”Ha! ha! ha!” laughed the giant, with a cachinnation that rese of a horse ”A bill-sticker, eh! Wal; I likes that An' I likes yur grit, too, young feller, for all ye are so sassy But ye needn't git riled, an' I reckon ye won't, when I tell ye who I am”
”And who are you; pray?”
”Maybe ye mount a hearn o' Cris Rock?”
”What! Cris Rock of Texas? He who at Fanning's--”
”At Fannin's in”
”Yes,” said the interrogator, whose interrogatory referred to the almost miraculous escape of one of the betrayed victi feller An' since ye 'pear to know somethin' 'bout me, I needn't tell ye I ain't no _bill-sticker_, nor why I 'peared to show i out, 'I'll go'
I thort it wouldn't need much introduxshun to one as I mout soon hope to call kuht, ain't ye?”
”Yes; I intend doing so”
”Wal, I'll be there h, I reck'n ye kin sightthe crowd 'Tain't like to be the shortest thar,”
he added, with a smile that bespoke pride in his superior stature, ”tho'
ye'll see some tall 'uns too Anyhow, jest look out for Cris Rock; and, when foun', that chile may be of some sarvice to ye”
”I shall do so,” rejoined the other, whose good humour had become quite restored