Chapter 106 (1/2)
Chapter 106: My Whiskers!
Zheng Tan had planned to give the oldfast He kicked the knife away, then jumped onto the cradle to look at the baby inside
He ake and about to cry However, upon seeing Zheng Tan, he stopped mid-sob and cracked a smile
For God's sake, stop s!
The fire was spreading, Zheng Tan could feel the heat rising If they stayed here any longer, breathing would beco with his hind legs He jumped over the old man and ran downstairs with the baby,
The old et up He saw a flash and a black silhouette jumped over him
The door had hit his forehead and he had knocked his head on a chair during his fall He was dizzy and couldn't see clearly He couldn't quiteabove it seemed familiar
It was the large cargo!
The old man was dizzy and couldn't quite tell distance If only he could see a little clearer, he would see the black silhouette was not a human
Though very dizzy, the old nized the state of the fire and realized he couldn't stay any longer He stood up shakily and took a few deep breaths, but so even dizzier
The room was completely soundproofed so that the people outside couldn't hear the babies crying Sounds could still be heard through the door, but they were satisfied as long as people outside couldn't hear a thing So the rooreat luck, Zheng Tan was able to kick open the door in one try
However, none of that was iet the baby out He came to a sudden stop after the reached the first floor He had alathered at the door He couldn't just carry the baby out and walk on his hind legs in front of all those people
Zheng Tan laid the baby on the floor The baby giggled while staring at hi to make him cry If the baby cried, people outside would hear him and come inside, wouldn't they?
Unfortunately, the baby kept giggling
Zheng Tan was speechless
With no other way, Zheng Tan stood behind the baby and pushed him forward
The baby thought Zheng Tan was playing with hi all the way
”Hey, is that a kid?” A resident asked
”I think so The baby is crawling out”
It was dark indoors, so a lot of details can't be seen from the outside
The kid was having fun but suddenly the cat stopped shoving He looked behind hione Then he looked in front of hiers
The baby finally broke into tears
Zheng Tan was able to relax when he heard the baby cry People were already co inside He stood on top of the stairs and watched the baby get carried out of the house, then he escaped from theon the second floor
It was easier cli down Thankfully, there weren't any people there to watch hiround
When he made it to the front of the house, people could see the fla curtains on the second floor and could s to the police and trying to search the house for people Zheng Tan saw so apparently but was unconscious
As he watched on, police cars arrived
”Huh? I just called the police How are they here so fast?” someone asked
Zheng Tan, however, saw Papa Jiao's car behind the police vehicles and felt a sense of relief The baby would have to leave with the police Papa Jiao could take him home
After the fire was put out, Papa Jiao found the baby
ailing in the arms of a local resident
The baby's father arrived too His tears fell the ain
Papa Jiao made calls to all the relatives to report they had found the baby, then he noticed a cat paw print on the baby's back He went to the side and called out, ”Charcoal? Come out I know you are around”
Zheng Tan poked his head out from behind a tree
Papa Jiao saw him and was about to wave him over, then he saw the cat's face and his expression became very odd
The baby's father saw the old man and was furious If the police weren't here, he would beat thethe police and the baby's father and no one noticed Papa Jiao