Chapter 31 (1/2)

Strange Life of a Cat N/A 33180K 2022-07-20

Zheng Tan inched towards the source of the sound He could see tracks in the ground where the girl was dragged and a phone with a ladylike cross body bag lying on the side

There was a strong scent in the air, Zheng Tan sniffed around He found keys and a srass It seemed like pepper spray

The girl ell prepared However, Zheng Tan didn't hear a screae to spray her attacker? Otherwise, the ainst such things

It wason trees He needn't avoid all the buround

The person stopped under a tress The place was a far away from the road It didn't matter anymore if he made some noise


Zheng Tan looked to find what made the sound He saw a flash of metal

Fck! The pervert brought S&M handcuffs! HowTan couldn't help but swear inside

The guy cuffed the girl, then took out so

He let go of the hand on the girl's mouth Before she could yell, he taped her mouth shut She could only whimper

Zheng Tan looked along, the guy wore gloves and a ski mask Only his eyes and mouth showed, like a bank robber He was an experienced repeated offender, after all

Zheng Tan quietly jumped onto the tree next to them He climbed to the top, then found an appropriate branch and jumped down


The tree branch shook violently, causing leaves to fall fro sound ht

The irl doith one hand and battling with his belt buckle with the other He was about to get on with it when the sound from above startled him

He looked up It was too dark He couldn't see anything unusual He could only see the branch above his head sway up and down

However, there was no wind tonight and all the other branches were still This branch above his head was like a ghost waving towards him

Was it birds? He thought

This inter though Birds were all hidden in their nests at this hour Why would there be birds Maybe there was a bird nest on this tree? Or was it some other animal?

He held the girl dohile listening to the sounds around them

There were some sounds, but not that of humans

He cast away his doubt and continued to unzip his pants However, there was another bang This tinore it, but the sounds coo soft At this ht on the face


Thehit in the face by the tree branch, leaves scratched his eyes

The girl took this opportunity to run, but the ht her on the ankle She tried to kick hiht back earlier

”A woooo!”

The weird noise made both of them pause

It was hard to tell what animal made the sound

A wolf? But this was a ca maybe?

The ht

Zheng Tan hid behind a tree He never planned to juht away Maybe if he was still hurown ht not be able to save the girl, but har

There werenoises

The s He heard that when strays got hungry enough, they would eat even hu, but he would be lucky to leave alive if a pack of dogs were co

The rustling noise was approaching The ht to his knife He held his breath

Suddenly, he was hit hard on the arm He dropped the knife and was knock back

Zheng Tan had been waiting for a chance He calculated the angle and the spot to hit He waited for the other cats to corabbed the chance when it came

They were on a hill TheTan followed behind hiht so to run away

Little did he knew; it was a cat that attacked hi

The girl was still here, so Zheng Tan didn't pursue the offender However, if he ever ran into the person, he would definitely be able to recognize him Cats had an excellent sense of smell He would be able to pick out the man in a crowd anytime, even if he had a ski mask on

Zheng Tan walked back up the hill He saw a jacket left aside in the grass with the scent of the girl's perfu a party earlier She had on a long dress Her coat was ripped off her earlier

Zheng Tan shi+vered in the night wind He considered it, then dragged the coat back up the hill The girl was holding onto theTan appeared with her coat, she iht, she didn't see anyone When she looked down, she saw her coat Next to it was a cat that alht

Suddenly, cats started co out from the shrubs They saw a hu Tan appeared, they felt safe The cat that led the pack was Sheriff He ju Tan Heleaf

No one wanted to see his perforh

The girl oddly felt better after seeing all the cats She listened and couldn't hear any hu

She sat down on the grass, with the knife still in her hand She was shaking

Zheng Tan dragged the coat and put it beside her feet