Chapter 9 (1/2)

Strange Life of a Cat N/A 43230K 2022-07-20

Chapter 9: Boss, Did Your Family Cat Run Away From Home?

When Zheng Tan went down the stairs, he discovered a piece of paper stuck in the corner between the fifth and fourth floors It had been placed so that it would be just level with Zheng Tan’s eyes

“If you’re going on a long trip, switch off any unnecessary power sources to avoid invisible hazards Draw the curtains and shut the doors to prevent the wind fro to eat… For specific steps please refer to the detailed instructions placed on the desk”

Papa Jiao’s writing

Zheng Tan twitched his ears, then helplessly turned around and went back There was so around his neck to open the door He ed to enter the couple’s bedrooh, there was an open notebook with everything that needed to be done listed out in detail Zheng Tan looked through it once, then walked through the house, as he followed the instructions and turned off part of the power sources and closed all the doors and s

After everything was done, Zheng Tan clenched a bag of finger biscuits in his mouth, then swiped the card key at the door He arrived in front of a Paulownia tree at the side of the cement road at the Eastern residence courtyard, then climbed up the tree On a branch at the third fork, there was a hole the size of a fist Zheng Tan placed the house key and key card inside this hole, then covered it with two leaves

Generally, very few birds stayed in the trees by the road in the courtyard, including that lowly parrot As for other cats, they would rarely climb any of the trees here If they wanted to climb, they would climb the trees over at the little forest, and not the ones by the ce the things here After all, he couldn’t bring the house key and key card which represented his identity as a housepet with him outside That would be too inconvenient, and also if he were to get caught doing naughty deeds it would be even more troublesome

After putting everything away, Zheng Tan soon arrived at the underbrush on the side of Dong Yuan Superet on the truck

The delivery driver was helping to unload the goods at the oods from the truck, he leaned on the car door to take a s in the underbrush with a bag of finger biscuits often eaten by small children at his side

“Yo, Ash, going out again today?”

The delivery guy recognized Zheng Tan He was already very familiar with this scene What was different today was that this cat had also brought along a bag of biscuits Was it preparing for a long trip?

Zheng Tan had slipped out twice before by riding on this delivery truck At that time the delivery driver had soarettes and a bottle of alcohol, the delivery driver would pucker up a s Tan caifts in the future Those cigarettes and alcohol were soood stuff, and over at the supermarket in Central Department Store, it would cost a hundred yuan or so for some

Zheng Tan stretched his body, picked up the bag of biscuits, and jumped onto the trunk of the pickup truck He waited for the driver to finish settling the bill with the supermarket staff

Today, there wasn’t much inside the trunk of the pickup truck, and it had been unloaded until it was spotless

“Ash, I’ in the direction of Central Department



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Store I’ll be going straight hoate instead of the east university gate”

The previous two tione to the area around the Central Department Store for a walk, which o bus stops away froate which was close to the residential building quadrant Although it was about a twenty-minute walk away, people could still clearly s from around the Central Department Store area

As for the comments, the delivery driver had made earlier, he didn’t actually expect that a mere cat would be able to understand his words All he could do was let this black cat hitch a ride As for where this cat hitch-hiked to, he couldn’t have cared less

When it was al their inventory and the bill was settled The delivery driver called out to Zheng Tan and then drove the pickup truck towards the second north gate

The setting sun had already turned a bloody orange color and was about to drop under the horizon At the entrance of the North Ca in and out, since the last class for the day had ended not long ago They were talking and laughing about the day’s events

The pickup truck drove past the North Ca within the truck, watched theht of his own previous self He suddenly felt a little emotional Before he had somehow ended up like this, he had also been a third-year university student

By the ti of a s Tan saw a young guy ore a white unifor on a noisy ancient bicycle[1] towards the North Calected the words “Chu Hua University North Ca Hall” which was printed on the left breast, other people could have mistaken him for someone who had just come out of one of the laboratories

Everywhere around, there were elites ere the future of the country, but this youngan ancient bike didn’t look particularly envious, and he certainly didn’t look inferior As the wind blew, it h-end stylish windbreaker He was hu sun, his s as brilliant as ever

As they exited the north gate of Chu Hua university, they didn’t approach the Central Department Store, and one could only look at the luminescence around Central Depart Tan was fa around the Central Department Store had already been lit up Giant screens flickered, dee city

Zheng Tan watched as the scenery outside zipping past like an alien spectator Even though he saw a lot, his brain didn’t think of anything at all, always staying in a trance-like state

As the truck went fro road[2], and then to the suburbs, the sky gradually darkened, and the air became cold