Part 11 (1/2)

”Th-the f-f-fish!+”

”What about it? Just a dead creature”

It was difficult for Deek to speak at great length, given the method he had to use How best to explain that their quarry could not possibly have had a boat, nor anyone when they had first arrived at the Sunless Sea? And that soes on the body of the dead fish were, in retrospect, hardly likely to have been ht to the point: ”Th-their b-b-boat!”

Wikkell, for all his size, was not in the least stupid Despite Katahts to the contrary, one did not rise to beco less than adept He understood Deek's reference iht about it, the ested this unpleasant tidbit, then nodded ”Aye, it would make a certain kind of sense We should at least check out the possibility, should we not?” ”I-i-indeed”

Wikkell altered his stroke with the oar and the light craft turned quickly In aback the way they had come Clever humans, if they could use a dead fish for a raft Mayhap iven credit for It ht be wise to take extreme care when at last they were approached It would be foolish to worry about Rey's anger only to be skewered by so human

On the Sunless Sea, the wizard Kata dock, accoe appeared behind, it vanished and it was as if they round

Chuntha's raft of living woricked screw, keeping far enough behind the wizard to avoid being seen but close enough so that he was but a few iven ti toward three openings on the face of the cliff set back slightly froe of the water ”The center hole”

”You are certain?” the Harskeel asked

”Without a doubt”

”Good Then let us proceed apace”

”Uh, I feel that our bargain has been completed,” Red said ”We provided transportation upon the water, and now that journey is at an end”

”But we have not yet captured our prey”

”Your prey,” Red observed

The Harskeel considered its options Did it need the bats any further? Well, who could tell? Better to have them and not need them than to be without and require their assistance ”I feel that my concentration is too poor to perform the blood-spell transfer at the moment”

Red looked dubious, as dubious as it is possible for a monkey-sized bat to look ”Oh? And ould aid your concentration? No, allow uess: capture of the three tasties?”

”How astute you are”

Red nodded ”I see”

”Barrels of blood in infinite supply,” the Harskeel said ”It would be a shame to perhaps mislearn the spell and ruin it, would it not?” This stateer to think about ”Very well We shall accompany you”

”A bat after my own heart”

”Not a bad idea at all”


”Nothing Let us hurry and catch them”

”What in the world isthat ?” Elashi+ asked, pointing

Just ahead of thee cha, thick-stalked plants Glow-fungus grew thick upon the walls here, and the plants were easy to see Upon the floor, surrounding the plants, lay what appeared to be a shi+mmery carpet that covered the rocks with a soft blanket Conan had seen that material somewhere before, and it only took an instant for the youthful Cimmerian to recall where: the boat in which the cyclops and worm had ridden seemed most similar

”Uh-oh,”Tull said

”I do not like the sound of that,” Conan said ”What is the problem?”

”These be Webspinners,” Tull said

”So?” Elashi+ said

”I know little about them save that they are best avoided, can the Whites and the bats be believed'”

At that moment Conan heard someone call him


Helooked around There was no one here save the three of the, handsome, manly Conan

The voice was fereat puzzlement Where was the woman who called? He would very much like to know, since it see to know better A lot better

Here, Conan Behind the beautiful plants just ahead of you Come to me and I shall fulfill your every desire Pleasure beyond any you have ever known

Conan blinked So brazen! He had never known even a trull who so blatantly offered herself to hilanced at Elashi+ No doubt she would not find this wo, and Conan expected to hear of her displeasure quickly and in full ht up in her own thoughts, staring off at the plants as if she could not hear the wo to them

Even as he watched, Elashi+ took a step toward the Webspinners

Then, next to him, Tull also started forward

Abruptly, Conan felt a sense of wrongness about that voice

Fear not,hty warrior, came the soft tonesDo not concern yourself with these two They will not come between us It is you I want, and you whom I shall serve in any manner you desire

Elashi+ and Tull walked toward the pale carpet, ignoring each other