Part 46 (1/2)

Received at White House, Washi+ngton, April 6, 1919

TUMULTY, Washi+ngton

The President says the situation here is extre and he expects to have it in hand this week, but if necessary will act according to your suggestions The President is confined to bed but steadily iraraton, April 8, 1919

TUMULTY, Washi+ngton

President attended conference in his study this afternoon Situation shows soton_ to proceed here iraton, April 9,1919

GRAYSON, Care President Wilson, Paris

The ordering of the _George Washi+ngton_ to return to France looked upon here as an act of impatience and petulance on the President's part and not accepted here in good grace by either friends or foes It is considered as an evidence that the President intends to leave the Conference if his views are not accepted I think this ht with the erous possibilities here and abroad, because it puts upon the President the responsibility of withdrahen the President should by his own act place the responsibility for a break of the Conference where it properly belongs The President should not put hi the first to withdraw if his 14 points are not accepted Either he should put hi the one who re the acceptance of his 14 principles Nothing should be said about his leaving France, but he ought when the time and occasion arrive to re-state his views in terms of the deepest solemnity and yet without any ultimatum attached and then await a response from his associates In other words, let him by his acts and words place his associates in the position of those who refuse to continue the Conference because of their unwillingness to live up to the terms of the Armistice Then the President can return to this country and justify his withdrawal He cannot justify his withdrawal any other way Up to this ti out of Paris that there was to be an agreeue of Nations

Suddenly out of a clear sky coton_ and unofficial statements of the President's withdrawal A withdrawal at this tiraton, 9 April, 1919


A great number of your friends here fear that the interposition of United States in matter of indemnity and reparation which is a paramount question with European nations and only of indirect interest to us will solidify the opposition of England, France, Italy, and Belgiuue of nations Our friends believe that any necessary sacrifices to assure a league of nations should be made Your supporters would be happy if you could throw upon the other nations the burden of exacting indeue of nations


_Cablegraton, 10 April, 1919

TUMULTY, Washi+ngton

Presidentahead with his own force

His health is i since last Thursday