Part 3 (1/2)

I refer to theBaird, Murphy, Kean, Stokes] differ froovernment of the state while the others are not, and cannot be if the present Democratic ticket is elected

In reply to Mr Record's question: ”Will you jointhe Democratic 'overlords' as parties to a political boss system?” Doctor Wilson replied: ”Certainly I will join you in denouncing theainst the Government and public morality”

At this tiers of the Wilson caent, and Davis While they ady that lay back of the Democratic candidate's reply to Mr Record, they looked upon it as a esture upon the part of Mr Wilson and scorned to believe that his reply to Mr Record constituted a challenge to their leadershi+p They did not show any evidences of diseous attitude taken by Doctor Wilson They sied their shoulders and said: ”This is a great can play”



The final e auditorium in Newark, New Jersey, where the last appeal wasfilled with en before The Democratic candidate, Woodrow Wilson, had covered every section of the state and it was easy for even the casual observer to note the rising tide in his favour The cae-ha cut our party lines asunder I was present at the final s of the theatre or auditoriuside of Senator Smith, the Democratic chieftain who a feeeks before had, in a s of the Convention at Trenton in such a way as to make the Doctor's nomination possible Mr Wilson's speech on this occasion was a profession of faith in the people, in the plain people, those ”whose naed into the headlines of newspapers” When he said in a delightful sort of banter to his audience, ”I want you to take a sportsman's chance on me,” there went up a shout of approval which could be heard as far as the hills of old Bergen

The peroration of his final speech, spoken in a tone of voice that seemed not only to reach every ear but, in fact, to touch every heart, was as follows:

We have begun a fight that, it ainst privilege; but you know that o the path of ease They are put into this world to go the path of pain and struggle No man would wish to sit idly by and lose the opportunity to take part in such a struggle All through the centuries there has been this slow, painful struggle forward, forward, up, up, a little at a ti the entire incline, the interminable hich leads to the perfection of force, to the real seat of justice and honour

There are men who have fallen by the way; blood without stint has been shed;in this sole, and America has undertaken to lead the way; America has undertaken to be the haven of hope, the opportunity for all men

Don't look forward too much Don't look at the road ahead of you in dismay Look at the road behind you Don't you see how far up the hill we have come? Don't you see what those low and damp miasmatic levels were from which we have slowly led the way? Don't you see the rows of men come, not upon the lower level, but upon the upper, like the rays of the rising sun? Don't you see the light starting and don't you see the light illu more and more into the beauty of its radiance? Don't you know that the past is for ever behind us, that we have passed er possible, that we have achieved great ends and have alet the road that you have trod, but, re back for reassurance, look forith confidence and charity to your fellowthe road, and see those who are willing to lead you, and say, ”We do not believe you know the whole road We know that you are no prophet, we know that you are no seer, but we believe that you know the direction and are leading us in that direction, though it costs you your life, provided it does not cost you your honour”

And then trust your guides, imperfect as they are, and some day, e all are dead, reat shout of joy and triumph and thank God that there were le What difference does it iven our lives to the enterprise The world is made happier and humankind better because we have lived

At the end of thisspeech old Senator Jaside of me, pulled me by the coat and, in a voice just above a whisper and with tears in his eyes, said: ”That is a great s”

It did not seeht that within a few days these two Deing in a desperate struggle to decide the question of Democratic leadershi+p in the state



All the prophecies and predictions of the political seers and philosophers of New Jersey,their own partisan pulse, were annihilated and set adrift by the happenings in New Jersey on the first Tuesday in Novee professor, man of mystery, political recluse, the nominee of the most standpat Democratic convention of many years, had been chosen the leader of the people of the state by the unprecedentedthe laurels of victory The old bosses and leaders chuckled and sis of the Wilson Administration

There were many surprises in the Wilson victory The Democrats awoke on the day after the election to find that they had not only won the governorshi+p of the state, but their joy was unbounded to find that they had captured the Lower House of the Legislature that would have the election, under the preferential primary system just adopted, of a United States senator Therein lay the fly in the oints did the leaders of the Dehtest chance even under thea majority of the vote of the state for the Democratic choice, Jaestion that it was possible to elect a Democrat to the United States Senate was considered a form of political heresy The nomination for the Senate had been thrown about the state until torn and tattered aled by that sturdy old Democrat of Union County, Jia, but the one who brought the nomination to me was rudely cast out of my office The question was: What would be the attitude of the new Democratic leader, Woodrow Wilson, toward the preferential choice, Martine? Would the vote at the election be considered as having the full virtue and vigour of a solemn referendum or was it to be considered as Senator Smith would have it, a sort of practical joke perpetrated upon the electors? Soon the opinion of the people of the state began to express itself in no uncertain way, de out of the ”solemn covenant” of the election, only to be answered by the challenge of Senator Sainst Martine, the choice at the election

This business pitchforked the Governor-elect preh- and-tuame As I review in retrospect this famous chapter of state history, which, because of the subsequent supreme distinction of one of the parties to the contest, became a chapter in national history, I realize the almost pathetic situation of Mr Wilson He had called himself an amateur in politics, and such he was in the practical details and involutions of the great An he had shown himself a master of political debate In the ordinary course of events he would have been alloo in an orderly adjustradual transition from the comely proprieties of an academic chair to the catch-as-catch-can et acquainted with the men and probleave birth preht

As president of Princeton, Doctor Wilson had proved that he was not averse to a fight when a fight was necessary and when it was distinctly his affair, but he may well have paused to consider whether the Smith-Martine business was his affair One of his favourite stories in later years was of the Irishle of fists and writhing legs and bloody heads on the floor at the rear of the saloon, turned to the barkeeper and asked: ”Is this a private fight, or can anybody git into it?” A more politic man than Woodrow Wilson and one less sensitive to ued that this contest was the business of the Legislature, not of the Governor Many a governor- elect would have avoided the issue on this unquestionably sound legal principle, and friends in Princeton were in fact advising Mr Wilson to precisely this course, the course of neutrality It would not be strange if neutrality, aloofness, had presented a rather attractive picture at tiratuitously take a partisan position between the factions which would inevitably win for hi element within the party? Which would also win for hih he had at the first overtures froe canthat he could accept the no that acceptance should establish no obligations of political favours to anybody, it would be i desire to becoracious return to the man who had led the forces which had nominated Wilson at Trenton

On the other hand, there was his distinct pledge to the people during his caovernor he would make himself the leader of the party, would broadly and not with pettifogging legalisislature, would undertake to assist in legislative action, and not wait supinely for the Legislature to do so done

Moreover, he had insisted on the principle of the preferential primary as one overnment and convey an expression of their will and purpose to the law- body