323 Meeting him (1/2)
Liu Wei laughed;
''These eyes are just for you, no one else, and you're always going to be around ''
She nodded and hugged him around the waists.
''Now go take a shower, I'll be waiting for you.'' Kissing his chest, she said;
''Uh, come let's shower together. ''
''I want to do something; I'll join you in a while. ''
''Okay, then; '' he replied and turned around to enter the bathroom
''Wait! '' She exclaimed, he turned to look at her, his brows creased;
Liling stared at him for a while, trying to imprint his face in her mind; after a few seconds she hugged him again;
Liu Wei laughed;
''Sunshine, you're acting strange, what's wrong? ''
''What? I can't hug my husband when I want? '' She said, laughing briefly.
''Okay now, go in, I'll join you briefly. ''
''Alright ''
As soon as Liu Wei was inside the bathroom, the tears she had been holding all day long came flowing down her eyes.
But she didn't even have time to cry; quickly, she hurried to the closet where she hid a little bag she had packed earlier on, there was nothing much inside, a few red notes, her passport and travel documents, her precious necklace and her letter.
She had written it the night before, when Liu Wei was sleeping, she had sneaked into the bathroom. As she came out of the closet, she picked up her phone and ordered a ride.
Taking a last look at the bathroom, tears clouded her eyes again.
She forcefully looked away and walked towards the door. Quietly, she pulled it open and tiptoed downstairs. She dropped the letter on a couch and left the house. She could have left it on the bed but she figured that he might come out soon and see it; she wanted to be far away before he found it.
By the time she arrived outside, the Uber was already waiting;
''Where to, Ma'am? ''
''Just drive ''
Liling quickly called the Yan Ran's number, it rang for a few seconds before the person on the other side picked.
''I've left him, where is my father? ''
''Uh-uh, too fast, I thought you would be foolish enough to try me, ha'' Yan ran said laughed mockingly;
Liling was infuriated but she bit her lower lip to steady herself to avoid doing something that would danger the life of her father.
''Yan Ran, the more you waste time, the more likely Liu Wei is to getting you, I hope you act wisely. ''
Yan Ran was quiet for a moment;
''Have you booked your flight? ''
''Yes, leaves in thirty minutes; ''
''Alright, we're at the airport, call me when you arrive. ''
Before Liling could reply the call had disconnected.