318 Turning Tables (1/2)

''Why did you give her another day? She should leave this night! ''

Das Xia exclaimed after Yan Ran ended the call;

Yan Ran ignored her question and walked towards the other room;

''I'm asking you? ''

Da Xia followed immediately behind; she really could not understand Yan Ran; she behaved like a boss, although she was the one who paid for the room they were in at the moment and paid the men who helped in kidnapping Liling's father, she couldn't understand why it felt as though she took orders from Yan Ran;

''To make it look real, we don't want Liu Wei suspecting a thing; ''

Yan Ran replied nonchalantly; still walking towards the room where Liling's father was kept;

Da Xia was outraged by how their plan had failed and how she was put in a bigger mess by Yan Ran, but when she came to scold her, Yan Ran gave her another option which sounded good to her ears; although it was clear that she was not going to be with Liu Wei any more, they weren't going to let Liling be with him; no, they weren't going to let her be happy, not after making their lives miserable.

She thought about what Yan Ran said and she saw that it made sense, but still she didn't want to look like she was under her, so she replied;

''But you should have told me first, you don't make decisions on your own; ''

She said walking after Yan Ran; when Yan Ran heard her reply, she chuckled slightly;

''Understood. ''

She replied sardonically, walking to where Liling's father sat, his head was bowed a little and his eyes were shut as though he was asleep;

''He's quite strong. Didn't know he could take all those blows and still remain alive; ''

Da Xia said as she leaned on the wooden table in the room;

''If we didn't hurt him, that brat wouldn't believe us; ''

Yan Ran replied; ''Besides; his life does not matter anyways; who would have thought that the dear father of a five star singer would be living in such a place; and to think when we mentioned her name, he was stunned; it seems they aren't in good terms, I wonder why she took the bait. ''

''He's her father, no matter how much she hates him, she can't let him die. It's as simple as that, blood is thicker than water. ''

As they spoke, they didn't realize that Liling's father had awoken, when he heard their words, he froze.

He hadn't spoken to her for years, but he had been watching her on TV's and even attending her shows secretly; although he felt sorry for what he did and how he chased her away from his home; he couldn't meet her all these years, he just couldn't meet her because he never cared for her, did not fend for her; he was so overwhelmed by guilt.

He was finally going to see her after all these years; he was finally going to have a chance to apologize, to tell her he didn't mean it when he told her to leave;