315 Marry Me (1/2)

The next day, after breakfast, Liling and Liu Wei bade the grandparents' goodbye; although grandma didn't want them to leave, she had no other choice;

As soon as they drove out of the compound, Liling took out her phone and called Xin Yong;

She couldn't wait to share the good news;

''hello best friend!! ''

Xin Yong screamed as soon as the call connected; she was about calling Liling when she saw her incoming call;

''hello best friend, guess what?!''

Liling exclaimed excitedly;

''No, you guess what?!''

Xin Yong said in reply, making Liling's eyes widen;

''Wow, it seems we both have surprises for ourselves, okay, let me guess, you're having a baby? ''

Xin Yong giggled and shook her head;

''I'm not through with milking my man, so no babies yet; ''

They both burst into a blushful laughter as Liling turned to see if Liu Wei heard what her friend said;

He was smiling but his eyes were still on the road, she wasn't sure if he was smiling because of what Xin Yong said or whether it was because of how happy he was;

''Alright, let me get to the gist, mom and dad approved of our marriage!!''

''Oh my god!! ''

''Yay!! ''

''I'm so happy for you boo, oh thank god!! Finally! ''

''Well, we're just out of the ring shop, Liling you need to see this ring, it's so pretty! I uploaded it online, you can go check it out;''

Xin Yong said, her smiles almost reaching her ears;

''I'm so happy for you! So when is the wedding coming up? ''

''Uh… we haven't decided on a date yet, but I'm sure it's soon, and yes, you said you had a surprise, what is it? ''

''Oh yes, back to me, I'm getting married!!! ''

''Oh my God! Oh my God! You're kidding me!! ''

Xin Yong screamed her loudest; she felt that her ears were playing tricks on her;

''I feel like I'm kidding myself, but it's so true, grandma and grandpa let me marry him, God, I can be with him now; ''

Liling said, wiping a little tear that was about falling off her eyes;

''God, this is not a news that should be told over the phone!! Where are you guys?!!''

Xin Yong exclaimed impatiently;

Liling giggled before she replied;

''We're heading to the hotel, are you guys coming over? ''

''Are you asking that?! I'm not going to say another word until I see you; like I need to see you as I scream, I'm ending the call now!''

Xin Yong said before Liling heard the final beep and the line went dead;

She smiled and turned to look at Liu Wei;

''They are coming over, ''

He nodded and lifted her hand, giving it a light kiss;