303 Are you avoiding me? (2/2)
''You just came out of a toxic relationship, which cost you a child and almost took your life and you're already into another one and talking of marriage? Are you alright?''
He slammed his palms on the table making her quiver again;
''Xin Xin, tell us you are joking, this isn't true right? ''
Her mom asked, her eyes widening in shock;
Xin Yong really wanted to tell them that she was joking but she couldn't; the earlier they knew about them, the better;
She shook her head silently;
''Oh my god; '' her mom covered her lips in discontent.
''What were you thinking? ''
She asked; creasing her brows;
Thinking about it, it was quite impossible to bring up Jin Yue to them, they were surely going to snap;
''I love him mom, and he loves me too. ''
''Will you keep quiet young woman? What do you know about love? ''
Her father blared angrily. He vividly remembered her state when she returned home after being messed up by Jin Yue, now she was sitting in front of them talking about love?
''I know enough to know when someone is in love with me, dad. ''
She raised her voice a little, and although it was a wrong move, she couldn't take it back;
''I'm sorry…''
She said after sometime when she noticed that they were not happy with her;
Everyone was quiet in their own thoughts before her father spoke up again;
''You don't have to rush things; I thought you learned from your past mistakes…''
''I love him Dad, ''
She cut him off; the earlier they accept her decision, the better for her.
Her dad stared at her for a while before bringing himself to ask;
She was quiet for a while; thinking about the best way to reply;
''He's coming to see us tomorrow…''
Finally she said; she knew mentioning his name would turn the house into a mini-hell, so she withheld his name;
''Okay, that's fine. '' Her father replied a bit forcefully; one thing he knew was that she was a grown woman and he couldn't stop her from making rash decisions; if that was what she wanted then he had to accept it;
Liu Wei couldn't wait for Liling to get home; he couldn't concentrate at work, so he quickly drove to X and summoned her to his office;
When Liling heard that the CEO was looking for her, she was puzzled;
If Liu Wei wanted to call her, he had her number, why send someone to call her? So thinking that there was something urgent, she quickly left for his office.
When she arrived, the door was slightly open and she could see that there was no other person in the room, just him; she knocked lightly and he waved her in;
''You sent for me? ''
She asked as she approached the table;