292 He was gone (1/2)

''Ma'am, this young man just passed away…''

Xin Yong stood still, staring at the two doctors, unspeaking, unmoving and unblinking. After about five seconds her eyes fluttered;

''What… what did you just say? ''

Her voice came out disrupted, sad and with a distorted tremble in it. It was as though all her emotions were gushing out at once, she was finding it hard to breathe and in the next few seconds, although it was not hot in the room, Xin Yong was sweating profusely.

''I'm sorry Ma; we'll contact his family now. ''

The doctor said; and made to walk out of the room accompanied by the other one. Liling came to stand beside Xin Yong, trying to pull her into a hug, but she wiggled herself out.

''You're joking right? You all are joking with me, right? ''

Liling's eyes clouded; ''I'm sorry! ''

Xin Yong stumbled backwards as her eyes fell on the still figure on the bed.

''No, no… it's not possible, I'm dreaming, I'll soon wake up. No, no, Jin Yue…''

Before Liling could stop her, she had dashed over to where Jin Yue was lying, motionless on the bed.

''Xin Yong...! ''

Before Liling could do a thing, she had pulled the covers over his face; there he lay, motionless, unmoving, he was pale as dark clouds, his lips, which were drawn in a straight thin line, looked almost black and every inch of his face has lost its color.

As his face came into view, all the anger, presumed hatred and pain she ever felt washed away that instant. All she felt at that moment was love, regret and sadness_ extreme sorrow.

''Jin Yue…''

She sat beside him on the bed and shook him lightly. He didn't budge.

''I'm so sorry… I'm so sorry. What have I done? Oh God, I'm sorry…''

Her legs gave way and she slumped to the floor, clutching onto his cold hand.

''I forgive you I forgive you now… come back, please come back. I love you, I love you, please, I can't take it, please… I'm so sorry, what have I done? Liling, tell him to come back? Why is he leaving me? Why? I want you now, come back, wake up! …''

Xin Yong cried profusely. At that moment, she was unable to remember any pain or anything she had gone through. All that came to her mind was the good times they had spent together.

He had never hurt her intentionally and the only time he had made a mistake, although it had caused untold things, she had refused to forgive him and had caused him to take his life. Guilt clouded her whole soul and she shook violently.

What had she done?

He had pleaded with her painstakingly; the only thing he did wrong was get jealous and act out, he didn't know about the child? Why couldn't she forgive him?

It was too late now, it was too late…

''Please come back… I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry…''

She had felt pain in the past but the pain that she felt at that moment was indescribable.

Xin Yong raised her eyes to look at his face, as her gaze fell on his features, it dawned on her that he was gone…

The last thing she remembered was Liling's shocked expression and the rest was blank.