272 I see just you (1/2)

When they reached their bedroom, Liling sat down on the bed and tore of the wraps of the package, a beautiful case came into view. She slowly pulled it open, and a shiny necklace met her eyes. Liu Wei stood as he watched her beam cheerily.

''Oh my God, It's so beautiful! ''

She exclaimed taking it out of the case. She lifted it up to admire it and her eyes met an inscription. It was written in cursive but it quite was legible.

My Heartbeat…

Liling lifted her eyes to look at Liu Wei, it was already teary.

''Liu Wei, '' Liu Wei was smiling, seeing her glad made him happy. A happiness he couldn't fathom..

''Do you like it?''

''I love it! I love you! ''

She exclaimed, standing up, she hugged him around the neck.

Liu Wei kissed her cheeks.  ''I Love you too. Let me put it on. ''

He said and Liling released her grip, handing the necklace over to him. She turned around and pushed her hair aside so that he could see her neck.

Liu Wei unclasped it and put it around her.

She turned around to look at him with a beautiful smile. Her eyes were entrancing, the necklace made her face glow as though it was made just or her in the first place.

''You look beautiful. ''

Her smile stretched,

''I love you! ''

She said, putting her arms around his neck again.

''Let me run your bath. Have you eaten? ''

She asked, raising her brows.  Liu Wei shook his head.

''Okay. ''

Liling went to the bathroom to run the bath, after a few minutes, she came back to tell him that it was ready. As soon as he entered the bathroom, Liling gently took off the necklace. She admired it for a while before putting it back into the case and keeping it safely inside the walk in closet, where she kept her jewelries.

Rushing downstairs, she set the table and went back up to call Liu Wei down to eat.

During the meal, Liling kept on smiling as they ate. Sometimes she would sneak a peek at Liu Wei and when their eyes met, she blushed.

After the meal, the couple retired back upstairs. As soon as the door closed, Liling pounced on Liu Wei, kissing him with reckless abandon. Piece by piece, their clothes came off and before they knew it, they were both naked under the sheets.

Liu Wei held Liling in his arms, as their breath evened. After a while, she turned around to stare at his face.

''let's sleep now. It's late. ''

Liu Wei said; his palms rubbed gently on her back.

''I like you ''

She whispered, her eyes unmoving, staring at his fine features. Liu Wei's eyes fluttered open. He looked down at her face; she was a little flushed, lips rosy and eyes glassy.

''I can't sleep if you keep staring at me like that.''

''But I love you! ''

''I know, I love you too. ''

She smiled and placed her head on his chest. Liu Wei waited a moment before breaking the silence.

''My love ''

''Mm? ''

'' There's something I have to do. It's very important. ''

''Okay, do it then. ''

She replied; her eyes still closed.