270 Shes just looking out for you (1/2)
''Bro, dress up and come outside. I'm in front of your home.''
Liu Wei said immediately Jin Yue answered the phone.
''What? be serious, ''
''I am, now hurry let's go drink. I haven't had a good drink in a while.''
Jin Yue cut the call and in a few minutes, Liu Wei saw him coming out of his compound.
Liu Wei was leaning on his car, so when he saw him, he walked to the driver's seat and sat down, starting the engine. As soon as Jin Yue sat down, he sped off.
When they arrived at a bar, they sat down and ordered drinks.
Jin Yue looked thinner and a bit worn out, although he tried his best to laugh throughout the ride, Liu Wei could see through his façade.
''She doesn't want to talk to me.''
Jin Yue said after sometime; he took a last gulp of his alcohol and slowly refilled his glass.
''She doesn't even want to see me, it's like she doesn't know me anymore. What if she hates me now? ''
''That's not true. She's hurting but it doesn't mean that she hates you. You can't easily hate someone you love. ''
Liu Wei said, trying to console.
''How then will I get her to listen to what I have to say? ''
Liu Wei heaved a sigh. Liling had mentioned that she did not want to hear anything about Jin Yue, so getting her to listen to him was going to be quite tough.
''Have you tried sending her a text? ''
''She already blocked me from calling and texting her. ''
Liu Wei was quiet for a moment.
''Liling had tried talking to her but she refused to listen, she is really hurt. ''
''Yeah, I know. '' Jin Yue brushed his hand through his hair, devastatingly.
''To think I had enough troubles on my table, today, I found out there is about 10,000,000 Yuan missing in the company, and I cannot even tell how such amount got missing. ''
''What? 10,000,000? How come? ''
Liu Wei asked, surprised. He didn't even know that Jin Yue was facing such a problem.
''I don't know, but I will get the financial statements tomorrow, I just wish it was a misstatement or miscalculation. You know, the problem is not the money; I have to know the root of the problem itself in order to prevent it from reoccurring. ''
Liu Wei nodded; he understood what Jin Yue was trying to say.
''Just know I'm here for you whenever you need me, okay? ''
''Yeah; now enough about me, I saw the news about you and your sunshine, how you cleared the feud was amazing! I mean, why aren't you guys married yet? Come to think of it, you haven't even proposed?!''
Jin Yue raised his brows. ''And don't tell me you are waiting for the right moment because the right moment is now! Come on, do you want the likes of Eva to tear you guys apart before you know it? ''