268 Long time no see, Liling (1/2)

''Liling! ''

''What? Why are you screaming? ''

Liling shifted the phone from her ear when she heard Xin Yong's shrieks.

''Have you seen the news? ''

Liling rolled her eyes as a sigh escaped her lips.

''What again, don't tell me they've discovered that I'm the daughter of a poor carpenter? ''

''No, no, far from that; Liu Wei is really amazing, he did an interview today and cleared your name, now the internet is bursting with love comments for the both of you. You can't even find a trace of those hate comments anywhere. ''

Liling, who was eating lazily from a bucket of popcorn suddenly flung up from the cushion, causing it to fly into the air.

''What? What did you just say? ''

'Liling, stop asking me and go check for yourself; call me when you've watched the interview! I'm waiting. ''

Xin Yong cut the call, leaving Liling speechless. She blinked her eyes severally trying to comprehend what she just heard. Sitting back down on the couch, she tapped on her news icon, and as Xin Yong had said, they were making headlines. She saw a video interview and immediately clicked on it.

Liling's heart beat frantically against her chest as she watched the video, wide eyed. Her eyes became teary towards the end, and she immediately covered her lips with her hands.

She was finding it hard to breathe as she watched him. He had told her he would take care of it, but she never imagined that he would do an interview, something he never did.

When the video ended, Liling could not move, she held her phone in that position for a few minutes, before raising her hands to wipe her eyes.

What did she do in her former life to deserve such a perfect man? Liling could not comprehend what she was feeling, but what she was sure of was that she wanted to see him.

Not bothering to check the headlines and comments Xin Yong had told her about, she immediately dialed his number.


''Liu Wei! …''

Liu Wei's brows creased when he heard her sniffing.

''Are you crying? What's wrong? ''

''Where are you? ''

She asked not replying his first question.

''I'm almost home, what's wrong? ''

Liling did not reply, she quickly cut the call and raced outside wearing her slippers.

Liu Wei tried calling her again, but she had thrown her phone onto the chair when she ran outside, so she didn't pick. He became very worried, thinking that something bad had happened to her, he accelerated his speed.

Immediately he drove into the compound, he saw Liling running towards his car, he immediately hit the brakes.

Turning off the engine, he stepped out and walked towards her.

''Baby, what's …''

Before he could ask her what was wrong, Liling had thrown herself into his arms.

''I love you! ''

Liu Wei was stunned; he was really not expecting the series of actions.

''You were amazing today. ''

She said after sometime, raising her head to peek at his face.

It took Liu Wei a few seconds to understand what she was referring to. He smiled and pecked her on the lips.