255 Performing in a concer (1/2)

''My love, ''

Liling said after a long while. Liu Wei, who had thought that she had slept off, opened his eyes when he heard call.


Liling did not speak for a moment, she raised her eyes to peer at his face, and their eyes met.

''I don't want us to ever have issues; I don't want us to get to that point. ''

Her eyes fell to his chest, she felt them getting blurry.

''Can you do that for me? Can we never quarrel? ''

Liling asked her voice shaky. She clutched her palms into fists, thereby clutching onto Liu Wei's shirt.

She could not imagine the both of them in the state Jin Yue and Xin Yong were presently. Whatever was wrong, she would find a way to make amends, she would trust him no matter what; she just needed him to do the same.

''Baby, if my right hand will cause us to have issues, I'll cut it off.''

They both burst out laughing and Liling slapped him against the chest.

''Be serious now, I'm serious, ''

''I'm serious too, why are you always this uncertain? Haven't I proved my love to you? ''

Liu Wei asked, creasing his brows worriedly. Liling shook her head immediately, trying to clarify herself/.

''No, no, you have proved yourself in ways I could not even imagine, what I mean is…, ''

She stopped for a moment, her voice reduced to a whisper.

''Jin Yue loved Xin Yong, loves Xin Yong, she loved him too; but what happened? An external force separated them in ways they could never imagine…''

Liling stopped talking and looked up at Liu Wei. At this point, Liu Wei got the gist of what she was saying.

She was scared of someone separating them; it was there in her eyes, her uncertainty. He chuckled for a moment.

''Love, nothing like that would happen to us, even if I see you kissing someone else and you tell me that you love me, I wouldn't mind what I saw, I'll believe you immediately . ''


Liling asked, smiling sheepishly.

''Hey! That doesn't mean you should go around kissing other men! ''

Liling burst out laughing; she inched closer and kissed his cheeks.

''You know that's not possible. Let's sleep now, tomorrow will be very busy for me. Goodnight, dream of me. ''

Liling said, closing her eyes. Liu Wei kissed her forehead and whispered.

''You are always in my dreams. ''

Somewhere downstairs in a quiet room, Yan Ran picked up her phone from the dressing table.

She searched through her contact and when her eyes landed on the name she was searching for, a smirk widened her lips.