214 I would protect my woman (1/2)
Liu Wei rested back on the cushion quietly, after some time; he closed his eyes to catch some sleep. Not quite long after he closed his eyes, he heard footsteps coming towards the living room. His eyes fluttered open and he glanced at the giant glass door.
Da Xia was holding onto Liu Wei's father's arm as they walked into the living room, her smile instantly paled as her eyes met Liu Wei's, she quickly looked elsewhere.
Mr. Fang, who was talking to her, saw her gaze and quickly traced it. His eyes fell on his son who was sitting complacently on the cushion.
As soon as his father stepped into the parlor, Liu Wei stood up from his seat and greeted.
''Good evening Father, it's been a while.''
Mr. Fang gazed him up to down for a moment before scolding with a glare.
''You're quite early! ''
''I'm sorry, something came up.''
''Indeed! ''
Mr. Fang ridiculed and walked towards an opposite cushion and sat down followed by Da Xia, Liu Wei sat down afterwards. He looked at the woman who was sitting beside his father for a split second before looking away.
Mr. Fang pressed a number on the house line and almost at the same time, a lady came rushing to the parlor.
''Bring three cups of coffee and some freshly baked cookies.''
Mr. Fang instructed without even looking at the maid, she nodded and walked away. Da Xia had been quiet from the start, just occasionally sneaking peeks at Liu Wei who was sitting in front of her with the most distant glare she had ever seen.
''I originally called to discuss something with you but I can see that it's not necessary anymore.'' Mr. Fang spat, he was trying not to sound too angry but it was not possible, every word that left his mouth carried a hint of anger in it.
Liu Wei did not respond; he remained expressionless staring at his father.
Mr. Fang had initially called to discuss the plans of his getting married to Da Xia since it was already nearing the end of the year but now it seems they had to deal with the third wheel first.
''So who is she? Who is that shameless gold digger who goes after married men?''
At this point Liu Wei's brows creased. His first impulse to was talk back at his father and defend Liling but he held himself, he was sure that doing that was going to bring more trouble than there already was.
''I'm talking to you son!'' Mr. Fang blared shaking slightly. Liu Wei furrowed his brows a bit as he saw his father's raged expression.
''There is no such person.'' He replied curtly looking indifferent. Da Xia's eyes lit up at his reply.