168 You will always have me (1/2)
Liu Wei held her chin, making her to look into his eyes, directly.
”For being here...with me.”
The words resounded in Liling's ears, the eyes that stared at her spoke volumes. She struggled to withdraw her gaze but she couldn't. Liu Wei's eyes held hers like a magnet, she could only stare deeper and deeper, until she was almost engulfed in his gaze.
The atmosphere became tense. Liling felt her heart starting to race as her eyes dropped to Liu Wei's lips. He was staring at hers the same way, and Liling could not help fearing that what happened the previous night was about to happen again.
The most terrifying thing about it happening was that, she was sure she would not be able to resist him once again.
She prayed earnestly for a miracle to happen, because if nothing happens, she was sure that she was getting another mind blowing kiss that evening.
Almost immediately, her stomach made a grumbling sound, snapping Liu Wei out of his trance.
Liling bit her lower lips embarrassedly and quickly touched her stomach with her hand.
”Ha, I've not had anything since morning, I'm quite famished!”
They both laughed at her words and Liling seized that opportunity and quickly looked away from him.
”That's good then, because I bought many foods and snacks, it'll be a waste if you've eaten before now. ”
”Really? thank God!. I was just wondering how I would make something with this grumbling stomach of mine.”
Liling remarked happily as she rubbed her tummy like a spoilt child.
Liu Wei chuckled at her childishness. He stood up from the bed, taking his jacket and tie with him.
”They're on the dining table, I'll go freshen up, you can eat first if you're so hungr...”
”No-no, I'll run your bath first, then I'll wait for you, so we'll eat together, what do you think? ”
She cut him off, her lips pouted and a blush forming on her cheeks.
Liu Wei smiled at her, then pinched her cheeks lightly.
”So cute.”
”Uh? ”
He was not so loud, so she did not hear him clearly.
Liu Wei chuckled and changed his words.
”I said, you're very thoughtful and kind.”
Liling creased her brows and remarked;
” but... that's not what I heard”
She said with pounding lips, her puppy eyes staring at him, unconvincingly. Liu Wei couldn't help but laugh.
”So what did you hear?”
Liling shook her head angrily and glared, then made to walk past him. But before she could take two steps, Liu Wei caught her by the waists, pulling her into his warm body.
”I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I said that you're...that you're very cute. ”
His voice was flirty and his grip on her waists, mild. Liling felt her legs getting jittery.
She quickly feigned a cough and immediately released herself from his grip.
”Okay. I'll go prepare your bath now. ”