163 Watch me (1/2)
Later that night...
”Knock knock knock... ”
Liu Wei heard a light knock on his bedroom door. He was currently busy in his study and couldn't stand up at that moment.
Thinking about it, it was only Liling who could come to his room at that time of the night, so he picked up his phone which was lying abandoned on the table and called her number.
Thankfully, Liling was with her phone, so she picked his call immediately.
”Come in. ”
Liu Wei said over the phone before Liling could utter a word. She mumbled an 'okay' before Liu Wei cut the call.
Turning the knob, she pushed open the door and stepped in, closing it quietly behind her.
The large bedroom was quiet and dark, but Liling could hear some noise emanating from the study room, which was connected to the bedroom and the rays of light from it were reflecting in the bedroom.
Liling walked over to the study and stepped in quietly.
”Hi! ”
Hearing Liling's footsteps and her sweet voice afterwards, Liu Wei felt his heart soften. He turned around to see her petite body and a sweet smile on her perfect lips, she walked over to his side and stood beside him, looking at the pile of documents in front of him and the laptop computer which he was currently working on.
”You're busy? ”
Her scent drifted into his nostrils, she smelt of strawberries and rose. Her wetdry hair and perfect face showed that she had just stepped out of the shower.
Liu Wei looked away from her and nodded.
He then pointed to a seat beside him, motioning her to sit.
Liling walked towards the seat and sat down. Before Liu Wei could say something, she suddenly stood up again;
”You will take coffee right?, yes, coffee is good for these type of nights, let me go get you some!”
Liling scurried out of the room without waiting to hear Liu Wei's choice, as though it was proper to take coffee while working at nights.
Liu Wei smiled as he watched her leave the room. He actually needed the coffee but he didn't want to disturb her since it was already late, he was grateful that she decided to come by.
After a while, Liling returned holding a tray with two cups of bubbling coffee. She dropped the tray on an empty space on Liu Wei's study table and helped him with one cup.
As Liu Wei took the cup from her, his eyes fell on the other cup of coffee, he frowned a bit, wondering why she would need caffeine too.
Liling saw his gaze and quickly explained.
”As your friend, I'm going to accompany you throughout the night, till you are through with your work, am I not thoughtful? ”
She said with a toothy smile as she stared at him waiting for an approval. Liu Wei nearly laughed at her cuteness.
He kept his cup beside him on the table and turned to look at her, with a raised eyebrow.
He asked, looking at her beautiful face in surprise.
He was wondering if it was because he told her she was his friend that she had suddenly become so thoughtful.
”What then is the coffee for? don't worry, Liu Wei, we're in this together! ”
Liling exclaimed and sat down beside him, smiling happily. Liu Wei couldn't help but chuckle, he felt his heart swell from her caring actions.
”Thank you.”
Liu Wei said after sometime, still staring at her face with a smile on his lips.
”Ahh, why are you thanking me? what are friends for? ”
There it was! and he was wondering what brought about her sudden caring thoughts, now he knew it was because of what he said back then, in the car.
He nearly laughed out, but decided let it pass, he was happy anyway. Three months ago, he could do anything to get this attention from her, now he had gotten it, he was going to cherish it.