147 Morning Sunshine! (2/2)

Closing her eyes in embarrassment, Liling took a deep breath and forced herself off the bed.

”Don't you want to touch me anymore? This is sad, and I've been waiting for you to wake up and touch me, how can you change your mind so soon?”

Liling knew that Liu Wei was not going to let what she had done the last night go that easily, but yet she couldn't bring herself to say anything in defence since she couldn't even remember what exactly happened!

”Come back!, your clothes are still in the bathroom!”

Liu Wei screamed in between chuckles, having caught the pillow right before it hit his face.

Liling instantly stopped moving. Her whole body froze. Turning around, she looked at Liu Wei with eyes wide opened.

”Did... did you bath me? ”

” ”

Liu Wei who was laughing suddenly paused. He really didn't think of this when he had told her to go get her clothes. After a while, he let out a sly smile.

”Of course!, you vomited all over and I couldn't let you sleep that way, that was the only option! I just had to wash you up.”

He said it as if it was nothing. As though he just bathed a five year old kid.

”You mean... you WASHED me... UP!! ”

Liling emphasized on the WASHED and the UP, she couldn't believe that...that...

No... no, that's not possible! he wouldn't do that...

Before she could finish registering the impossibility in her mind, Liu Wei suddenly spoke up.

”Oh yes my love, I bathed you thoroughly, hook, line and sinker! I wouldn't want you having any dirt on your body would I? ”

Liu Wei replied with a handsome smile on his face. At that moment, his eyes shifted from her face to her chests, it rested there for a while, before he looked back at her face.

Liling understood his gestures. That was obviously telling her that he had seen everything! everything!

Liling felt like sinking into the floor, not able to withstand his gaze any longer, she immediately turned and dashed out of his room, banging it behind her.