125 Was he playing me? (2/2)

Liu Wei turned to glare at Yan Ran who was still standing dumbly by the door. The glare made Yan Ran shudder, she quickly shifted to the side letting him walk through.

Liu Wei casually walked past her like she was air. The woman by the door nearly died from heartache.

As she watched Liu Wei walk away, she couldn't stop the tears from falling from her eyes.

'How could he do this to her?. She had served him for years without him glancing twice at her. But what? That bitch hadn't stayed for six months and he was already ki..ssing.. he was already kissing her!!

Liling!! You can't reap what you haven't sown! Never!! You can't have Liu Wei! He's mine! He has always been mine!'

Yan Ran pulled at her hair as she thought of what to do. She sunk down to the ground and shrunk into a ball, trying to hold in the anger boiling inside of her.

'Kissing him back has told him that she was interested in him!

She should have just pushed him away!

What has she done!!

And the worst of all is that Yan Ran caught us!!

Now, she'll have every reason to think that I'm having an affair with him.

This is terrible! What am I going to do?

Liling hid herself in her toilet as she lamented on her stupidity.

Now, the situation would become more awkward than ever!

She thought for a while, then began to ask herself.

But why did he kiss me? Does he really have feelings for me too? What of his fiancée?