65 You have a problem with it? (1/2)
”You have a problem with it? ”
Liu Wei asked feigning seriousness, he crossed his arms as he watched her distraught expression.
”Absolutely!, I'm not a part of this deal, never!.
How would I serve you for two whole years of my youth!!?. I'm not a part of this, no, no”
Liling shook her head in annoyance as she hit the contract on the table, it was very obvious she had forgotten why she was working for him.
Liu Wei chuckled lightly and picked the contract she had dropped. He glanced at her frowned face and couldn't help but laugh.
”Liling, you should have read the details of the contract thoroughly before signing it.”
He shook his head sluggishly as he flipped through the pages, then pointed out a paragraph for her to see.
”Here it says, at anytime, after signing the contract you decide that you do not want to be part of the agreement anymore, you are liable to pay ten times the amount you have collected..”
Liu Wei smiled again, obviously extremely happy to break the good news that she was stuck with him for good two years.
”Ten times... TEN MILLION YUAN, where would I get such money from?...”
”Very simple, take the one million, complete the deal, it's just two years, it's not as if I said your whole life! then you are good to go, no qualms.”
Liu Wei explained expressively, Liling wanted to object but he immediately cut her off.
”Liling, I don't want to discuss this issue again, if you have anything to say, you can call a lawyer, but for now you would get the money transferred to your account this minute, I've told my assistant what to do. You can leave now.”
Liu Wei concluded with a tone of finality, he immediately picked up a document and started skimming through it.
When she saw that he wasn't going to listen to her rant, she hesitatingly stood up from the seat, glaring at him for a moment, she turned and grudgingly walked out of the office, soliloquising bitterly.
As soon as the door to his office closed, the stern faced Liu Wei immediately dropped the document on his hand and started laughing heartily.
That day had now become one of his best days on planet earth. .