42 Sleep Over (1/2)
”Why aren't you eating, you don't like the food? ” Xin Yong asked when she noticed Jin Yue staring at the crayfish on his plate.
”No..., I just feel like you should eat more.. ” With that he lifted the crayfish and placed it on her plate.
She smiled shyly and dug into the spicy crayfish.
”So Sweet, what are your hobbies? ” Jin Yue asked as he poured wine into their glasses, they had already finished eating and the waitresses just finished clearing the table.
”Haha, my hobbies?. Mmm, let me see...” Xin Yong smiled as she put down her phone. Xiao Ran had been sending her unending messages on Wechat.
She couldn't even read all of them before Jin Yue's question drew her back to the present.
”I love talking, and I love cooking and what else, what else, yes, love watching romance movies. They are my favorite..haha ”
Xin Yong spoke freely. She was no longer nervous as before. Jin Yue casually contributed to the discussion as though they've known themselves for years.
”Romance movies?” He asked, sipping his wine a little.
”Yeah, Romance movies and mostly Korean dramas.”
She smiled as she talked about funny scenes in her best movies.
Jin Yue laughed non stop, Xin Yong demonstrated as she spoke, sometimes imitating the characters.
They lost themselves to the chat and didn't know that it had become late.
”Jin Yue!!, it's past eleven!” Xin Yong sprang up when a message notifications popped up on her phone and she mistakenly saw the time.
Jin Yue glanced at his watch and stood up immediately.
”Jin Yue!!, nobody is allowed into the school by eleven thirty!!, What am I going to do? ”
Xin Yong exclaimed as she remembered the school rules. 'How did they waste so much time!'
”You could stay at my place for the night”
Jin Yue proposed. He didn't read any meaning into it, but Xin Yong interpreted it in another way.
She stared at him with disgust, that was when Jin Yue realised what he just said.
”Oh, what I mean is that you can sleep over at my place since the gates will be closed by the time we get to the school, don't worry, I won't touch you. I promise.”
Jin Yue clarified, Xin Yong relaxed a little, but she was still scared a little.
'What if it was a one night stand?, he rapes me and throws me away! and he's rich so he could get away with anything.!'
Xin Yong stared at him and clutched her purse tightly. Her body became tense all of her sudden and she stepped back from the table.
”Sweet, don't be scared, if I wanted to use you, I would have drugged the wine, but I didn't, I'm sincere, I won't touch you without your permission again. Just trust me. ”
Xin Yong thought about what he said. It was true, if he wanted to do anything to her, he would have drugged the wine or the tasty Crayfish that she ate all alone but he didn't, that meant he was a bit sincere.