30 First Ten! (1/2)

”Liling, you didn't come for the Assembly?” Xin Yong asked as she stepped into the room, Richen right behind her.

”No, I couldn't come in time, so I rather not come at all, any special news? ” Lililng asked, she was lying on the tiled floor with a pillow under her head and an earphone by her side.

”Well, there is a very special news' she paused for a while then continued ”The results of the contest are out! and.... ”

Liling only picked the first sentence 'the results of the contest are out!'.

”What did you just say?” She sat upright, eyes wide opened.

”Yes, the results are out, but it's very sad. They only took ten people, because the board decided not to have another audition. The people selected would be trained in areas they want to participate in, like dancing, singing....”

”Only ten people.... ” Liling's voice quivered. 'How could they take only ten people out of seventy!, it was quite unfair'. Thinking back, she knew she mayn't be among the best ten, she was even the last to perform on that day, her mood depreciated drastically. So all her practice was utter waste?. Well she could start teaching elementary school children. At least it could earn her few dollars to be able to live on. Moreover, she was just trying her luck, it's not a crime to loose!. Consoling herself with these thoughts, she looked at Richen whose face was sullen and at Xin Yong who was looking at her sadly.

”Hehe, if there is bad news, spill it quickly, your making my heart skip beats unnecessarily” Lililng chuckled dryly. Deep in her heart, she didn't even want to hear the results, but she would definitely do so, whether she liked it or not.

”Liling, I was the number seven selected... ” Xin Yong's face immediately brightened up, a laugh escaped from her lips as she started jumping around the room, screaming.

Liling didn't know when she joined her in her joy, she utterly forgot about winning; she was so happy for Xin Yong.

Richen sat on her bed, crossing her arms and watching them.

Liling almost hugged the life out of Xin Yong.

”I'm so so happy for you Xin Yong, so I'll be able to see you on TV soon, haha, wonderful, gush, and you kept your face like a sad primary school child. You're such a tease. ” Liling exclaimed as she gently nudged Xin Yong.