Vol 6 Chapter 1.1 (1/2)

Vol. 6 Chapter 1 Part 1

Several days pa.s.sed after the party, in which they celebrated the victory over the annihilation of the monster hordes that marched toward the fort city Balmel.

s.h.i.+n and others were still in Balmel to help with matters after the Great Flood.

Besides the other remains that had been scattered around the plains, Schnees magic skill Blue Judge and s.h.i.+n and the others Complete Destruction Palm caused many monsters to be turned to charcoal.

Cleaning up the bodies had started before the celebration party, but it has been taking time because of its unusual number.

Anyway, its amazing. The monsters bodies around here were killed by a guy whose name is Red, right?

Yeah, I could see it very well as I was on the city wall. There are many who saw it as well. He killed the monster hordes that looked like a black wave all by himself. Whoever he was, he was really amazing.

These conversations reached s.h.i.+ns ears.

Some people in the crowd who were heading to the gate after cleaning up bodies were talking about the mysterious person Red.

Even in the castle, various rumors were spreading and people were exchanging their opinion about the ident.i.ty. Some opinions were reasonable but others were far from the truth.

For example, he probably served under a High Human, or he probably was one of the heroes who remained in this world, or he might be the incarnation of the G.o.d of fire Iira Suura and so on.

In fact, because Schnee or s.h.i.+baid, who were s.h.i.+ns support characters, could do it, the Serving under a High Human theory was the most dominant.

As for the third theory, it seems like people thought the G.o.d of fire Iira Suura who appears in myths joined the battle, as the armors color was red. It was one of the G.o.ds of war and people somehow believe it.

(So a G.o.d joined in huh? In the game world, Iira Suura was a boss monster)

In the game, they could fight against the incarnation as part of a trial. Perhaps because of it, Iira Suura was known by people in this world as well.

Additionally, the boss monster s appearance was a human form holding a long fire sword.

It might be close to the scythe that s.h.i.+n, or Red in this matter, used.

But, why is his name Red?

Maybe its because his body is red, isnt it?

Thats too simple. Dont you think there should be a better nickname?


s.h.i.+n was quietly hurt. It was just made up on the spot, but was it really that weird?

(Is the name Red that strange?)

Yuzuha asked from overhead.

(I dont think that its a strange name.)

It should not be strange, though there was no objection against the people who had said it was simple.

By the way, there was a plan to invite Red to the party but there was no way to make contact with him, of course. Schnee had been inquired regarding Red, but s.h.i.+n asked her to answer that she didnt know where Red was.

s.h.i.+n was chatting with the middle age adventurer Rahl Ratt whom he got along with through working together everyday.

Nevertheless, its harder to clean up than to fight.

Well, thats a first world problem. There were no people killed in that tough battle. If we complain more than that, we would be punished.

I understand it, but I feel depressed if the number is that big. Besides, you didnt fight that much. Some guys said they didnt know why you were there.

Oh no, they found out. Hahaha!!

s.h.i.+n was talking with him using polite speech but started talking casually after he heard Rahl didnt like to use polite speech.

Rahl was a rank B adventurer, so he didnt know the word Chosen One. It seemed like he thought the adventurers who were fighting in the front line were from higher ranks.

As s.h.i.+n said, there were no opportunities to join the fight for the adventurers of the raid.

Because they didnt have coordination similar to the knights, they couldnt charge into the monster hordes just like that.

Besides that, their position at the battlefield was right in front where monsters were rounded up by the magic of Schnee and Guile. If they had a.s.saulted, they would just get mixed in and vanish.

It seemed like they guarded Guile and others to some extent, but it was hardly a battle.

At any rate, Schnee Raizar is really amazing. No matter how hard we try, we would never be like her.

She is a monster to the general people. If she tried, she could erase a country. Are you scared of her?

Of course s.h.i.+n! I dont want to deal with her, though I think its okay to be killed by such a beauty!

Well, I can understand your feelings.

See? I used to think it was just an exaggeration from those who said Schnee is a G.o.ddess or a holy woman, but once I saw her in the flesh, I couldnt help but agree with them. Young people who saw her looked soulless. Although seeing the ma.s.sive magic right after the start of battle, we lost our soul in another sense.

Rahl laughed while talking about how epic it was. Even the knights lost themselves, so it was no wonder that younger adventurers were lost for words as well.

Also, Schnee has gained more fans without s.h.i.+ns knowledge.

If it was about a big guy with an aggressive appearance, people would fear him, but as it was about Schnee, strength was just one of her charms.

Moreover, we cant measure the value of the person by their strength. I have seen so many people up till now, someone can be a hero or bulls.h.i.+t depending on their ability and character. Understanding what kind of person they are, cant be judged from their strengths or weaknesses. Besides I know that having power isnt always a good thing.

Rahl has probably had many experiences going by his age.

What he said was a cliche, but it carried weight at the same time.

Do you know somebody like that person since you asked me about it s.h.i.+n?

Yeah, something like that.

I see. If so, you should not be scared too much. I failed because of it.

Rahl said mournfully which was unusual for his cheerful character.

I will keep that in mind.

Yes, you should. Well, well arrive at the gate soon.

They parked the carriage that carries the monsters bodies at the side of the gate, then headed toward the guild to receive the reward.

In order to make the cleaning work smoother, guilds offered the job to the adventurers.

After s.h.i.+n received the reward, he parted with Rahl who was meeting up with his friends, and looked around lightly.

Schnee and Tiera oversaw another workplace, but as their s.h.i.+fts were about the same, they were planning on meeting up here.

s.h.i.+n was drinking a fruit juice to kill time at the corner of the bar in the guild when Eliza, the guilds receptionist, talked to him.

Excuse me, s.h.i.+n-sama. Do you have a moment?

Yes? Well, Im good till my friends come. Is it okay to bring Yuzuha too?

Yes. Because in these past few days, I know Yuzuha wouldnt cause trouble.

The Flood was over and Balmel returned to its peaceful state. s.h.i.+n had no idea why he was called.

I am sorry for asking you too much. Our staff will take care of your friends once they arrive here.

s.h.i.+n followed Eliza who led the way.

They gathered attention but he decided not to mind about it now. As he was fighting in the front line as a Chosen One, s.h.i.+ns name was widely known among a group of adventurers.

The place where Eliza led him was the room of the head of this guild. When they entered the room, they found the guild master, Baren, and the princess of Bayreuth, Rionne, waiting.

I am sorry that we asked you to come so suddenly. A request designated for you has come, but we cant talk about it in public.

s.h.i.+n could predict the content as Rionne was standing next to Baren.

Is it perhaps, to be Rionne-samas bodyguard?

Yes, thats right. By the way, you are close to Rionne-sama, arent you? The content of the request is to guard Rionne-sama until Bayreuth.

There were no opportunities to see her after the party and since the Flood was over at that time, he thought Rionne-sama had left Balmel already. However, his expectations fell short.

You helped me a lot since I was transferred to Kalkia. You will also receive a reward for that.

It sounds like she will give a reward to him for the other day as well.

At this point, there were a few things Rionne had to give to s.h.i.+n, so the reward for guarding was included in it.

Well I am sorry but I cant accept this offer.

Does that mean you refuse the request from the royal family?

According to the law of the guild, it depends on the adventurers decision whether they accept the offer or not, am I wrong?

There was a designation system that let the chosen adventurer receive the request in guild.

But the adventurers who were called had a right whether to accept or not. Of course, there was no penalty from the guild when the adventurer refuses.

In the past, the designation request was partly compulsory. But there was an incident where somebody took advantage of it and trapped a certain adventurer. It was a malicious trap where somebody requested an adventurer and made an a.s.sa.s.sin hide at the requested destination to kill the adventurer as if they were attacked by a monster. But the incident came to light after the adventurer turned the tables on the a.s.sa.s.sin and reported to the guild.

It was found out that there were similar incidents in the past by investigation, and then it became that the adventurers could refuse the requests. However, when the adventurers were having trouble refusing the requests from the n.o.bles and wealthy merchants, the guild was supposed to be a mediator.

Cant you?

Ive said so, I have something to do.

Even though I am asking you?

Who taught you that upturned eyes and pose

It didnt match with Rionnes character, said s.h.i.+n in disgust.

Then Baren asked for confirmation.

You can certainly refuse the offer, but is it really fine with you? Usually only the adventurers who belong to a high rank are called by the royal family.

I dont mind. Actually, if I were to get too close to her carelessly, I would be scared of others jealousy. Besides, we are going to Kilmont for now. Its the opposite direction and I am already prepared for it.

I wanted s.h.i.+n to meet with my father though

No, I wont. I feel he would tell me to serve for his country, so I wont


I wont change my mind even if you get sulky.

s.h.i.+n was regarded as an upper cla.s.s Chosen One from Bayreuths top bra.s.s, but it didnt mean that everybody would welcome him.