Vol 5 Chapter 2.5 (1/2)
Vol. 5 Chapter 2 Part 5
While moving into a crowd of monsters, a young soldier had a thought.
He would die here.
Chosen Ones, like Schnee Raizar, could exterminate a crowd of monsters all by themselves.
However, if the mutation cla.s.s ogre was left unattended, it would reach Balmel before the reinforcements could arrive. Even the tremendously powerful shoots, which had originated from the top of the rampart, had been repelled. Because the defenses inside the castle were weaker than the defenses outside, he didnt know how much damage it would cause if the gate broke.
Therefore, a suicide squad consisting of especially high-levelled troops from the cavalry unit were going in to buy some time.
He was afraid of dying. No matter how long he trained, that was one fear he couldnt overcome. And yet, the young man and the knights riding around him had chosen to fight. Even if they could only delay the monster a little, they believed that it would protect Balmel.
50 mels until contact with the enemy!!
Thanks to their training, they also knew the approximate distance to the target. It was the distance between the young man and death.
Due to the attacks that were released just earlier, there were hardly any monsters between them and the mutation cla.s.s. Were they afraid of the cavalrys charge? Or were they afraid that the mutation cla.s.s would attack them? The young man thought it might be the latter.
20 mels distance!!
Those guys around it seem to be looking at something!! Just pay attention to the mutation cla.s.s!!
The captain of the suicide squad raised his voice. Because the mutation cla.s.s looked different from a distance, the moment their eyes drew nearer the knights became intimidated.
It was described in just one word.
That body seemed like a giant type monster, such as a Gigantes or a Cyclops, which were only heard of in fairy tales. It was unthinkable that anything could lift it up, but the mutation cla.s.s lifted the ax high while it was still a distance from them.
s.h.i.+t!! Stay clear!! Everyone spread out!!
The knights responded in unison without anyone falling behind as the captain, who had predicted the danger, shouted.
The young man who was riding a horse also evaded the trajectory of the ax that the mutation cla.s.s had swung down.
He thought he had dodged it.
He had avoided a direct hit. However, the young man fell from his horse because of the aftereffects. He was thrown hard to the ground, and he was about to lose his consciousness from the impact in an instant. But his life would be over if he fainted now, so he desperately held on to his consciousness.
What entered his dazed sight was the figure of another knight who fell from a horse the same way he had. When he put strength into his body in an effort to stand up, he noticed that his left leg wouldnt move.
Oh s.h.i.+t
Hed probably been blown over together with his favorite horse. When he looked, he saw his leg was caught between the horse and the ground. Though he twisted his leg to pull it out, it didnt come out.
Then, a shadow fell onto the knight.
When he looked up, there was the mutation cla.s.s.
There was no sign of intelligence behind its corrupted red eyes. Only the thirst that emitted from its body felt real. It raised its ax using its bulging muscles. There was no time to pull his leg free.
He would die in another few seconds.
Even though he understood this, the trembling young man still drew his sword from his waist, and prepared to fight the mutation cla.s.s.
From the beginning, he was already a dead man. As he endured without raising a scream, he swallowed the dread that filled his heart and glared at the mutation cla.s.s
The movement of the mutation cla.s.s was slow.
Actually, there were no changes in the mutation cla.s.s movement. Facing death, the young mans sense of time had accelerated somehow in order to evade the attack.
But, no matter how much his sense of time had hastened, there was nothing he could do anymore. He could only stare at the ax as it slowly approached.
In a few blinks, his favorite horse would be bisected by the mutation cla.s.s ax.
Or so the young man had thought,
Then, he would be next.
He was bound to be.
It had been too sudden.
Something had descended between the mutation cla.s.s and the young man.
No, it had fallen.
The impact of the fall caused the ground to shake.
As the cloud of dust cleared, what appeared before the eyes of the stunned young man was a person standing there with full body armor and carrying a distorted-shaped large scythe.
The full-body armors design was different from the designs he knew. The color it reflected in the sunlight was red deep, thick cardinal, vivid scarlet, and bright coral. Colored using these different shades of red coupled with a brilliant reflection, the armor looked like a furiously burning flame that had taken the form of a human.
It was ornate with decorations that were placed in various places. By that alone, he understood at a glance that it was made by a skilled craftsman. The more he looked at it, the more he felt the difference of status.
He could perceive unevenness in the scythe which rested on the figures shoulder from the lack of uniformity of its blade and shaft. An eye-like pattern had been drawn where the blade met the shaft; it seemed more like a ceremonial weapon rather than one meant for the battlefield. Even so, it looked strangely nice when paired together with the armor.
As he was entranced by that figure, the young man didnt say anything. Exposed to the overwhelming power emitted from the figures whole body, his body wouldnt listen to what he desired it to do. Although he also did so when that figure had appeared.
Even though that persons back was turned, the young man felt the pressure of the overpowering intimidation he received from the mutation cla.s.s fading.
When he looked at the mutation cla.s.s as they stood directly opposite and facing each other, its movement had stopped while the ax was raised.
Its eyes spread wide open, even though it was corrupted, the eyes clearly showed the color of fear.
(For such a monster, to be overwhelmed!!)
How much power was needed to be able to do that?
Among the Chosen Ones, there were none with that presence, like that of the person in armor before his eyes.
Because he was on the brink of death, the intuition of the young man had sharpened to the utmost limit and made him realize something.
The person before him has power equal to Schnee Raizar. And, that person was on his side.
Are you alright?
He hadnt gone senile, but momentarily the young man couldnt comprehend the words directed at him. Judging from the voice, it was likely the man inside the armor.
As he watched, the person who had been facing away from him until just now, moved the fainted and immobile horse, and pulled out the young mans leg.
I-Im savedhey, b-behind you!!
Fl.u.s.tered, he got up in a hurry, and when he looked up, the mutation cla.s.s continued raising the ax.
Now wasnt the time to help others. The young man cried while pointing to the back. His tone was coa.r.s.e probably because he was in hurry.
Hm? Ah, thats right.
It was a casual reply.
In the next moment, the man in armor, who should have been in front of him, vanished. Sounds of violence reached the young mans ear at approximately the same time.
If he were to express it in words, it would probably BAM!. Because of the excessive sound, the young man stiffened his body.
It was by luckthat he didnt shut his eyes. Because of that, he saw the source of the sounds.
He was silent for a different reason from awhile ago.
In front of him, where moments before the mutation cla.s.s ogre had been, was the man in armor with his fist extended out.
The mutation cla.s.s monster was nowhere to be seen. Not because it went away though.
In front of the swung fist, only the elbow and the ax which the mutation cla.s.s had earlier raised over its head remained, as the arm dropped.
Ha, haha
The spectacular scene which occurred in front of the young mans eyes, made him lose it.
One blow.
No weapons were used, only pure physical strength.
The body of the mutation cla.s.s that received the blow burst open and into pieces, some monsters which were bathed in the splattered blood screamed.
Even more than that ma.s.s of power the man in armor revealed his thrusted arm, which was covered by a gauntlet, did not even have a scratch.
Now, he couldnt help but laugh.
You, what are you.
Me? Let seebecause of the color of my armor, call me Red.
Red, the man who defeated the mutation cla.s.s and came back without a single drop of blood on him, gave an obviously fake name.
Well, my name doesnt matter. More than that, you can leave this place to me, and you all must join the main force.
Ah, yes, I thank you for your help. But we are the rag-tag remains of the knights, fighting together with you
No, that wont do. Id be rather worried if you stayed close.
When someone is around me, I cant fully utilize my ability. If possible, withdraw your whole team including the group that used magic back to the rampart.
But that is
Im sorry but this is not a suggestion. Besides, anyone of you that draws near untactfully will be killed, you know? This is that kind of weapon.
Do you understand? Red lifted the scythe on his shoulder to demonstrate.
Close up it was easy to see the scythes size. Just half of its length alone was more than 3 mels, and the blade itself was more than 2 mels. The blade was wide, and something like a zigzag line ran down the center.
The young man felt that the line seemed to be a mouth. He had a premonition that at any moment, the mouth could open and that it would nibble at him.
The young man now understood why Red wanted the entire army to fall back.
That thing was dangerous. It was impossible to fight alongside it. He would be killed by the blade before he could approach Red.
That powerful weapon was built for killing allies as well as enemies.
That is a cursed weapon
Red replied in a casual voice. Considering the situation, that made him stand out as being a bit odd.
For the residents in this world, there were different kinds of cursed weapons, they were all the same in that they invited destruction. There was a price for using the power of these devilish arms, they led their owners towards death.
Even though this was common knowledge, there was no sign of it seen on Red. Though he had a cursed weapon, that are said to gnaw at sanity and life, both his tone and gestures were very natural.
Sorry, but no more questions. Theres no time to waste. Someone is coming to pick you up too.
Behind the young man, the knights who escaped falling from their horses came to retrieve their friends.
You are?
Im Red. Ive said it to this knight, but Im taking charge here. You all have to withdraw.
The one who called out to Red was the knight entrusted as the captain of the suicide squad. Unlike the young man, the knight didnt ask any questions, and only sent a sharp glance toward Red.
Understood. Well leave it to you. Everyone withdraw at once!! We will join the rear guard unit!!
After contemplating for several seconds, the knight decided to withdraw. As the only captain in charge, he also quickly to made a decision.
You too, get on the horse quickly! We are withdrawing!
Well, but
Well entrust this place to that person.Well only get in his way.
The knight bowed to Red.
You helped my comrade, we wish to express our grat.i.tude.
Im not doing this to be thanked. More than that..
Yea, well withdraw immediatelyI just want to ask one question. Are you, by any chance, Schnee-donos..
Im the letter of introduction holder.
I see. Im convinced.
The young man who heard the conversation between the two was surprised at it too. But he understood it at the same time. It was well known, that common sense didnt apply to many letter of introduction holders.
The young man mounted the horse which his knights comrade rode. They left the place together with the captain. Strangely, there were no attacks from the surrounding monsters either. Their gazes were all directed toward Red, as if the monsters didnt see the young man and his group at all.
After they got about 50 mels away from there, something like an explosion was heard towards the rear.
The young man looked back toward that sound, he saw a spectacular scene where monsters came apart and pieces were blown off into the sky.
Neither sparks nor explosion flames were seen, so it probably wasnt caused by fire magic. Yet, he could understand that the center part of the explosion like sounds would be dreadful.
50 mels. Yes, they were 50 mels away. Still the distance from the young man to the combat wasnt far enough. The aftereffects of the attack was still approaching.
The horse was already running as fast as it could. His knight comrades probably also felt the danger. He didnt even look back.
How beautiful
That young man could not take his eyes off the scene.
Because his line of sight was higher as he was mounted on a horse, he managed to keep an eye on the center of the attack.
That ghastliness was fully visible.