9 Chapter 9 (1/2)

Gillian walks over to the bathtub and begins to take off her clothes.

Moments later, she drags the bath curtains to her right, she walks into the tub and drags the curtain back.

She pushes the faucet forward to start the running of the water.

Noticing that the water is a bit too cold for her liking, she adjusts the temperature on the faucet, turning it slightly right.

Finally, when the water is just the right temperature, she first begins to rub her hair thoroughly, before beginning to scrub her body.

A few bottles caught her attention, she bends down a bit, focusing on what the bottles say, but she can not make out the small writing on the first bottle.

She grabs the bottle, and now, being able to see the writing clearly, her eyes scan the writing.

”Shampoo” she read to herself.

”But what is the smell of this shampoo?” she asks herself as she opens the bottle.

Giving it a quick smell and comes to the conclusion that its scent is coconut mixed with some other tropical fruit. Overall, she really likes the smell.

She pours a bit of the shampoo into her right hand before beginning to rub the shampoo into her hair.

It takes her a few minutes to lather her hair, and a few more to wash the lather out of her hair.

She repeats the process again, the pours some shampoo into her hand and lather her hair, but this time she does not rinse her hair just yet.

She moves on to her body.

”If there is shampoo, there must be some shower gel too,” she thinks to herself, looking through the bottles.

”Conditioner... shampoo... shower gel, but for men... shampoo, again, for men...” she scans through each bottle until she looked through all of them.

”Weird, and annoying...” she tells herself a she looks at the bottles.

”Ah, fuck it,” she says as she grabs the shower gel that Frank used.

She opens the lid, and instantaneously, she can smell the scent of the gel. It straight away reminds her of Frank.

She closes her eyes and takes a few deep breathes, she could not help but let out a small smile.

She opens up her eyes and pours a bit of the shower gel onto her right hand.

She proceeds on rubbing her body as the gel begins to lather.

Once she finished lathering her body, she began to rinse the lather off her hair and off her body.

Once finished rinsing her body, she pulls the faucet to stop the water running and, with her right hand, drags the shower curtain to her left to make space for her to exit the tub.

Gillian reaches down for her towel from the ground, and first, rubs and dries her hair, before drying and wrapping the towel around her body.

She opens the door and walks out, finding Frank, in the same exact position, left knee in the air and his right left down on the bed, sleeping.

”He looks so peaceful, and... and so good while he is sleeping...” she thinks to herself as she looks up and down his body.

Frank's arm twitched, causing Gillian to stop staring at him.

She begins to walk towards her bed, sits down and crosses her legs.

She looks for something that she could use to wrap her hair into.

She continues to look around the room, till her eyes stumbled upon her hand towel, lying on Frank's bed.

She quickly stands up and walks over to his bed. She leans over him to reach her towel.

With her right left hand, she holds the towel that is wrapped around her body tightly against her chest, just in-case it manages to somehow fall down, and with her right hand, she reaches out to try and grab her hand towel.

”Almost there!” she mutters under her breath, as she leans a tiny bit more forward.

She manages to place her hand on the towel and to grab it.

But when she tries to pull back and stand back up, she loses her balance and falls down on to Frank's right leg, waking him up in fright.