7 Chapter 7 (1/2)
Frank and Gillian both exchange their final nervous looks before Frank places his hand on the handle and pushed the handle down, following a push.
Slowly, he began to push the door open with a lot of caution.
”Stand behind me,” he said to Gillian as he looked back at her before looking back at the door.
Finally, when he fully opened the door, Frank saw a lot of bodies on the floor, drenched in blood, Gillian peered behind him.
”Oh my god...” she reacted to the sight as her eyes opened wide. She could feel her stomach beginning to turn as she looked around the reception from the entrance.
”Can you smell that?” she asked him as she looked back at Frank who was not facing her.
”Yes” he answered, ”that metallic smell, it is the smell of blood” he added, making his first steps into the reception, watching his every step.
”Follow me,” he said to Gillian, ”we need to reach my room, okay?” he added, turning back to her.
”Ugh,” she thinks to herself as she tries to make the same footsteps that Frank made, looking down at her feet.
She looks up to see where Frank is, she could that he made a few more steps forward. She looks back down at her feet and now tries not to step on a body or any puddle of blood.
”I wonder what happened here?” she says to Frank as her voice quivers, they both walked towards a staircase.
”Whatever happened here, one thing is for sure, it was definitely not pretty” he answeres her, facing down at his feet and what is in front of him.
Gillian followed behind him.
”These are all innocent people...” she muttered under her breath, loud enough for Frank to hear.
”... That is the sad thing about events like this, innocent people die” Frank said silently.
They continue making their way across the reception.
They suddenly come across a sign, 'Staircase 1 -> Area 1, 2, 3 -> Level 1', ”we are almost there” said Frank as he began to walk up the steps.
He took a few steps before stopping to wait for Gillian, who followed a few steps behind.
When Gillian reached the same step as Frank, he began to walk to the top of the stairs alongside her.
Once they reached the top of the stairs, ”follow me” he said to her, turning left, entering a long corridor. ”We are almost there” he added walking down the long corridor.
They walked a few more meters before they made another left turn, entering another smaller corridor.
They walked down the corridor, they passed the first door saying 'room 221', she could see the second door, and just as they were about to pass the second door, Frank stops in front of the door, saying 'room 222'.
”Here we are,” he says as he reached his right hand into his right jeans pocket, ”I am surely lucky that this is still here,” he said, pulling out a key card. He then proceeds on inserting the card into the card reader, at first a faint beep can be heard, before the door unlocks.
He opens up the door, letting Gillian in first, ”ladies first” he said. Gillian looked at him for a second before walking into the hotel room, straight after her came in Frank, closing and locking the door.
First, they both take off their bloody shoes and place them outside, in the balcony. When they come in, Frank walks to his night table and leaves the key card on the table.
”Okay, now, let me see the bite,” Gillian said to Frank as she walked him to the bed, where they both sat on the edge.
Frank gives his left hand for her to look at the bite.
First, she tucks up his bloody jacket sleeve, revealing the gory bite, ”looks pretty deep” she tells him, looking closer at the bite.
”You might want to give that a rinse” she adds as she looks up at his face.
”I guess that it will be a good idea to take a quick shower then, huh?” said Frank as he begins to unzip his jacket.
”Yes, sure,” she said, looking at Frank before taking her eyes off him.
He stands up, walks past her taking his shirt off and throwing it in an empty bucket, leaving him in a tanked top along with his jeans.