Part 7 (1/2)
Orders of ere sent round the diggings to obtain ared to keep piquets to enforce these orders, and also to prevent their being ers had, in the na officers issued receipts on behalf of the Refor documents Here is one: ”Received froh McCarty--Hurrah for the people!” Another: ”The Refors, 4 Pies, for fower of thee neight watch troops xP” The four night watch troops were sos The foragers, as things came to a crisis, becameto shoot a storekeeper if he did not hand over quickly But, notwithstanding the levying, the insurgents failed to obtain sufficient war material
Several of their fire-arms were afterwards found loaded with pebbles and such ether within the stockade, soht in; otherspikes or similar rude weapons for use by the several companies of pikemen Friends and enemies also dropped into the stockade at all hours until the day before the tragic event
Hu peaceful reform, heard, when in the stockade, of a project to attack the soldiers' caot for that purpose Humffray, with other mild spirits, vainly endeavoured to persuade thear Hill was the pass-word on the night of the 2nd of December, and its ominous associations led several to abandon what they saas a badly-organised and hopeless movement
Meanwhile the soldiers had not been idle After securing a coround afterwards known as ”Soldiers' Hill,” they vigilantly watched the ents The police were also on the alert, so that little was said or done aents that was not soon afterwards reported to the authorities
A Government officer, then in the camp, writes:--
”On the 1st of December the Government took final measures to meet the assault Every Government employee was armed and told off to his post, and sentinels and videttes were placed at every point The principal buildings of the camp were fortified with breastworks of firewood, trusses of hay, and bags of corn from the Commissariat Stores, and the women and children were sent for security into the store, which alled with thick slabs and accounted bullet-proof A violent storeh with rain, spent the night standing or lying by their horses, armed, and horses saddled ready for instant action At four AM on the 2nd of Deceht a demonstration in force was h bodies ofnear the Red Hill Afrom Melbourne with despatches was fired at near the Eureka lead No as carried on through the entire diggings, and every place of business was closed
Notices were issued stating that if any lights were seen in the neighbourhood after eight o'clock at night, or if any fire-ared, the offenders would be fired at by the military” The same Government officer writes about the
”Before daylight on theof the 3rd of December aa strong body of cavalry, quietly left the ca the stockade At early dawn they reached the neighbourhood of the position sought, and the advance files were fired at by a sentinel within the stockade The order to attack was given, and the 40th regiment, led by Captain Thomas, the chief officer in command, made a quick advance upon the double breasthich forents After several volleys had been fired on both sides, a barrier of ropes, slabs, and overturned carts was crossed, and the defenders driven out or into the shallow pits hich the place was spotted, and in which many were put to death in the first heat of the conflict either by bullets or by bayonet thrusts”
Raffello says--”I awoke on Sunday le--the coe of musketry was sharply kept up by the red-coats for a couple of minutes
The shots whizzed by my tent I ju the stockade The force within could not ers The shepherds' holes inside the lower part of the stockade were turned into rifle pits The dragoons fro at full speed towards the stockade Peter Lalor was on top of the first logged-up hole within the stockade, and by his decided gestures pointed to thethe holes He was shot down in his shoulder at this identical moment It was a chance shot I recollect it well, for the discharge of musketry from the military noed down all who had heads above the barricades Those who suffered round fro the Melbourne road from Ballarat, in double file under the slabs to stick the cavalry with their pikes The old coe'
was distinctly heard, and the red-coats ran with fixed bayonets to stor down, and the job was done; too quickly for their wonted ardour, for they actually thrust their bayonets through the bodies of the dead and wounded strewed about the ground A wild hurrah burst out, and the 'Southern Cross' was torn down Of the arers, some made off the best way they could, others surrendered theroups and ully The red-coats were now ordered to 'fall in,' their bloody work being over, and werewith them the 'Southern Cross'”
In less than twenty-five ement was over, and the soldiers had possession of the stockade and one hundred and twenty-five prisoners During the salorious conflict were buried in the cemetery; and no opposition was offered to the dead bodies of the insurgents being placed in rough coffins and taken away by their sorrowing friends
After the fray notices were posted up at various places ordering all well-disposed persons to return to their ordinary occupations, and to abstain froroups The soldiers then returned to their caht, ruh it was tiring work; and hts, were alents, favoured by a clouded moon, crept up under the cover of the nearest tent beyond the palisade and fired from several points upon the sentinels This caused a sudden alar followed, resulting in the wounding of a woman and child in one of the tents and of three men on the road close by, who unfortunately happened to be passing
On the 5th of December Major-General Sir Robert Nickle arrived with a relief contingent froht hundred soldiers and a large party of seathened the hands of the Government The presence of these additional troops had i below zero the spirit of insurrection, which was already depressed by the loss of the Eureka stockade Sir Robert was a veteran well skilled in quelling disturbances The district was now under ood sense ers than the previous administration of the Commissioners
The soldiers were kept at Ballarat until affairs on the gold-fields resumed a more peaceful course; then, as no further tumults were apprehended, Sir Robert Nickle and his forces returned to Melbourne, leaving a sarrison to await the turn of events