Chapter 949 - Lauriel And His Family (1/2)
When the hot romance finally ended, Finland was anxious but relieved. They can still hurry up and clean up and come to the board of directors' meeting. However, who knows, it turns out that her perverted husband suddenly kissed her nape and kneaded her b.r.e.a.s.ts again.
”Hey! What if they sent staff here to look for us??? They will find us like this,” she scolded Caspar. Finland tried to get away from her husband's embrace and patted the man's hand anxiously. ”People know I already have a husband. If they catch me sleeping with you here, my reputation will be destroyed.”
Caspar finally relented. He chuckled and got out of bed and hugged his wife's body from behind.
”It's your fault for being so s.e.xy and alluring,” he teased her. Caspar turned Finland's body around to face him and kissed her lips tenderly. ”Let's get dressed and come to the meeting.”
He patted his wife's b.u.t.t then laughed mischievously. Ahhh .. he felt so happy today. He had forgotten how much fun it was to have secret s.e.x in a public place. The adrenaline rush only added to the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e!
Finland again pinched her husband's arm hard before hurrying into the bathroom to clean up and then put on her clothes. Actually, she and Caspar put several sets of clothes for change in Caspar's office. However, even though Finland wanted to change into a fresh set of outfit, she couldn't.
People would wonder why she changed her clothes and they might suspect that she and the big boss were doing inappropriate things in his room ... and even worse, they would think she was cheating on her husband by having an affair with the boss since they didn't know that her husband IS actually the boss himself.
No way! She must not risk it!
Once they arrived in New York, Rune and Lauriel immediately headed for Alaric and Aleksis mansion in Manhattan. The two had drinks with Alaric and Aleksis and vented their longing for each other before Lauriel said goodbye to go and stay at Nicolae's house.
”Father, can you come to have dinner here with us tomorrow night?” asked Aleksis as she led Lauriel to the courtyard.
Her father-in-law nodded with a smile. ”Of course.”
Lauriel was very happy with his life now. In the past, he used to move around from city to city, from one hotel to another, and live alone, going on adventures. He remembered that he only bought a house in the city when he met Finland and Aleksis in San Francisco.
Because he really loved little Aleksis and wanted to look after her while Finland was working, he decided to buy a house in the Painted Ladies area and stayed there for two years, until finally Aleksis met her real father and moved with him to Germany.
Since then, Lauriel decided to live not far from Aleksis. After the girl was older, he often took Aleksis on adventures.
Now, he could split his time between Alaric's and Nicolae's house and Rosalien's house. Lauriel had almost forgotten what it was like to live alone. He was delighted because now Alaric and Nicolae also had their own family and children. In fact, Vega, his eldest granddaughter, was already married and had her own family too.
Vega loved Romania very much and preferred to live there now. She was leading such a peaceful life with her husband after years of suffering. Lauriel often spent time there with Vega's family, when he was in Europe.
Ahhh .... how nice it was to divide his time between his children, grandchildren, and girlfriend in different continents. Lauriel felt that his life was now complete.
When he arrived at Nicolae's house, he was greeted by his granddaughter, Summer, 15 years old. This teenage girl was so beautiful. Unlike the twins Ireland and Scotland, Summer could still attend the school like normal kids.
Her family was not very well known like the Lindens, so she could enjoy life as an ordinary teenager. Her father worked as a professor at a university, and her mother worked as a writer. They were always with her to make sure Summer could have a good childhood and normal life like other teenagers while at the same time making sure she was always safe.
”Where did you come from this time?” asked Summer, who clung to her grandfather's arm. She was always happy when Lauriel came to visit because her grandfather always had stories about his adventures that were very exciting and fun.
”I had been out adventuring in the Amazon,” said Lauriel, ruffling Summer's beautiful hair. ”Where is your father?”
”Father is still teaching. He usually comes home late in the evening,” said Summer in her crisp voice.
”Hello, Father...” Marie, who heard the voice of Summer and Lauriel's conversation, immediately entered from the side door. She put her book on the table and hugged Lauriel. ”You look so fresh.”
”Ahaha .. well, that's how it is when you get rich and healthy oxygen intake,” said Lauriel. ”It's hard to get rich, clean oxygen in a big city nowadays. Sometimes I am tempted to just move to the Amazon.”