Chapter 920 - Dinner With Mischa (1/2)
Vega was so happy when she heard Mischa saying that she was a good girl and ruffled her hair. She then continued eating her meal with a smile and made Mischa frown.
He did not know why the teenager in front of him was acting so strangely.
Again he became suspicious that Vega had a crush on him.
Gosh ...
He could not understand what she was seeing from him. Although Mischa's age seemed to have stopped in his 30s, he was still twice her age.
Why couldn't Vega see him like an uncle?
”Actually, my brothers and I don't mind if you and the others visit our house often and still consider our father as your father,” Vega said after thinking for a while. ”I don't want to monopolize my father, really. I now understand you must feel jealous after he returned to our mother and us, his biological children.”
Mischa just smiled at that. He felt the sincerity in Vega's voice. Now the girl understood how Mischa felt after her own foster father was reunited with his wife and biological child. That's why she could be more sympathetic toward Mischa and his foster siblings.
”All right,” said Mischa after sipping his wine. ”Thank you.”
”Will you promise to visit often?” Vega asked him.
”Why do I have to make a promise? Can't you trust my words?” Mischa asked in puzzlement.
”Well ... I just want to be sure,” Vega said with a shrug.
”All right, I promise,” Mischa finally said. He was finally convinced that the teenage girl in front of him was indeed a little obsessed with him. Actually, he felt that it was quite funny.
This must be puppy love. How adorable!
Vega was like one of those kindergarten students who claimed to fall in love with their teacher. It didn't mean anything and would only embarrass them when they got older. This must be what Vega felt about him.
He couldn't wait for the girl to grow up as an a.d.u.l.t and tease her with this. He was sure that Vega would be embarrassed when she remembered her past behavior as a teenager when she was pursuing Mischa so aggressively.
Since Mischa did not take Vega's feelings for him seriously, he remained relaxed. Throughout dinner, he invited Vega to talk about various things. Enthusiastically, Vega shared about the exciting experiences she and her friends had done while they were in Paris and in Bordeaux.
Mischa listened attentively. He realized that Alaric and Aleksis's decision to let their children live a normal life was the right decision.
Vega looked happy with her life as a regular teenager. She was adventurous and spent a lot of time with friends her age who came from an ordinary background.
”Big brother Mischa, tell me how you met my father ...” Vega asked suddenly. ”I know you started living with my father when you were like 7 years old, right? What made you decide to stay with him?”
Mischa had kept bad memories of his childhood for a long time. For decades she didn't want to remember what happened when he was still living with his biological parents who were drug addicts and often beat him up.