Chapter 768 - Feeling Stupid (1/2)

Meanwhile, in Darknet, Goose started to receive more jobs after she turned down jobs the whole month to take care of her ailing mother. But, now, she became very picky because she no longer really needed money to pay for her mother's hospital fees.

In the past, she wouldn't care about such things, she would take any jobs no matter how dirty as long as it paid well because she needed money badly.

Now, various assignments, which she considered to be too dirty or if she was asked to hurt a weak person, would be rejected outright. Many clients who had asked her to do their dirty work began to protest and get angry, but Goose did not budge. She did not care about them.

No one could tell Goose what jobs to do and how to do them! After confirming a task she liked, Goose immediately left Darknet and removed her tracks.

Her mind flew to the man who had always filled her head since yesterday. She repeatedly looked at her cellphone to see if Nicolae sent her a message to say goodbye before leaving for Italy. Sadly, she had to swallow her disappointment.

Ah ... apparently, she thought too highly of herself, thinking she held some meaning for the man just because they slept together. Now, her heart scolded her for thinking about the man often.

She looked at the wedding ring in her ring finger and sighed. Hmm, she must not forget to take care of their marriage annulment, as Nicolae requested.

Marie rose from her seat to close her flower shop and planned to go to ROM when her cellphone vibrated, and she saw an incoming SMS.

[The children and I are leaving for Italy in a minute. I don't know when I will return to Singapore. Take care of yourself. Marie, you are an amazing woman, and I hope you will find your happiness. Goodbye.]

Marie read the five sentences with a c.h.e.s.t that was suddenly filled with warmth. She didn't know why, but her heart was so happy and light. She almost felt like she had grown wings and could fly.

Was this how it felt to be in love?

Marie wondered to herself ... if this feeling she was having was indeed love. This was arguably a strange feeling for her because so far, she had never felt it for any man.

For some reason ... just getting an SMS from that man could make her heart flutter. She felt very touched because, as it turned out, Nicolae took the time to say goodbye to her. The man didn't just leave and forget about her like she was just a used item.

Marie sat back in her chair, and she recalled Nicolae's words when he said he was healing himself from a broken heart.

Marie now understood why Nicolae kept a distance from her. That's because the man did not want to use her as a rebound or a mere s.e.x object. The man was too kind that he didn't want to give her hope, so he chose to avoid her.

But at the last moment, Nicolae still took the time to say goodbye to Marie.

Actually, Marie understood him. She knew Nicolae had high regard for her and didn't want to use her. But the truth was... Marie didn't mind being used by him.

She wanted to tell Nicolae that she understood him, and she did not mind being his rebound. She wanted to be there for him, to accompany him during his recovery and cared for his broken heart.

Marie didn't mind picking up the pieces. She believed that deep inside his heart, Nicolae also had feelings for her. Maybe, at this moment, those feelings were still small and hidden under those layers of sadness ...

But Marie was convinced that if Nicolae was willing to give those small feelings a chance, he would realize someday that he, too, loved Marie.

”I ... I-I have to talk to him ...” Marie muttered in an unclear voice. She felt that she and Nicolae had to talk in person and resolve the feelings between them or at least say goodbye face to face, not by a text or a phone call.

She wanted Nicolae to give her a chance to talk ...

Marie reopened her laptop and checked all flight schedules for Rome. She did not know which flight they were taking, so she hurriedly hacked the data of all the airlines flying out from Changi airport today searched for that information.

Ahh .. Nicolae, Altair, and Vega Sorin will board on a plane to Rome at 2 pm.

It was too soon...

”I can't cancel only their flight so I can meet and talk to Nicolae ...” Marie muttered. She searched all flights to Italy on that day and then canceled all of them for technical reasons.

Instead of taking a detour by flying to another country and then going to Italy, Marie was sure, Nicolae would choose to wait until the next flight to Italy was available.

She hurriedly closed her flower shop and drove her car to the airport. She would give him an excuse that she was delivering some flowers to the airport, and then she could ask about Nicolae and the twins' flights. She would pretend to sympathize about their canceled flight and ask to meet Nicolae to talk to him in person...