Chapter 712 - Family Dinner (1/2)

London was really happy to see his whole family present at his home. He saw that his sister also received L well and they were able to get along fast. He then went towards his father and took Lily from Caspar's arms.

”Hey... Little Princess, what are you doing today?” he asked, cradling Lily in his arms. ”Did you drink a lot of milk?”

Of course, Lily didn't answer. She only stared closely at her father and repeatedly narrowed her eyes, wondering.

Caspar only smiled at his son's behavior. He understood how it felt when his children were very small. Ah... he couldn't believe they've all grown up. Aleksis and London already had their respective children. He secretly felt a feeling of remorse filling his c.h.e.s.t when he saw his wife and children looking happy around him.

His life had very much changed compared to when he was still alone and was never serious with a woman. It turned out that now, the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e of having multiple lovers couldn't be compared with the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e of having his own family and flesh and blood.

”We're stopping by briefly before we continue our trip to Targu Mures. Alaric wants to take the children there. We'll also celebrate our wedding anniversary there.” Aleksis explained when they all gathered for dinner. All three of their babies were fast asleep in the bedroom.

”Are Altair and Vega coming? Aren't they currently with Nic? Does that mean Nic will also come?” London curiously asked. He knew that at the moment, his nephew and niece were living with Nicolae. Everyone understood Nicolae still couldn't forget his love for Aleksis completely. Telling Nicolae to come to the wedding anniversary of his brother and Aleksis would be an ins.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e thing to do

”Yes, they'll come. My father will take them to Targu Mures,” Alaric said. He understood what London meant. Although he loved his brother very much, he also didn't want Nicolae to come to the wedding anniversary of him and Aleksis. Now, everyone hoped that one day Nicolae would be able to forget about Aleksis and find new love.

”Oh... so the children are in Grosetto now?” London asked.

”That's right.”

L turned to London and asked with her eyes. She didn't know who they were talking about. London then whispered to her so L wouldn't miss the conversation.

”I haven't told you yet? My brother-in-law has a twin brother. His children are very close to his brother, and they're currently living with Nicolae. I'll introduce them to you at our wedding later. You'll definitely like my family.”

”Oh...” L nodded in understanding. She couldn't wait to meet her future husband's extended family, which was also Lily's extended family. So far, everyone she met was very nice to her. She wanted to know about his other relatives.

When dinner time arrived, they all agreed to move and had dinner at the Schneider family's mansion. Caspar prepared a special dinner with the help of his two children. Alaric, Alesksis, and L helped set up the dining table and drinks, while Finland watched her three grandchildren, who were still babies.

Dinner took place warmly and they talked about various things. L couldn't really follow their conversation because she didn't know most of the people they were talking about. London tried to introduce his relatives to L, but he knew that before L met them in person, she wouldn't be able to really understand.

”Thank you for dinner. As always, Dad's cooking is really delicious,” Aleksis praised after they finished dinner and relaxed in the lounge while enjoying wine. ”I'm glad we stopped by even if it's just to enjoy my favorite dish.”

”When are you going to Targu Mures?” Caspar asked. ”Your mother and I also miss Altair and Vega, so we'll follow you there.”

”We'll leave in two days. Just come, we will hold an event for the family,” Aleksis said happily. ”Alaric's four foster children will also come.”

”We can't come, sorry... L is still busy with Kara working on the wedding preparations. I'll wish you a happy wedding anniversary now,” London stood up and hugged Aleksis and Alaric alternately.

L, who saw him like that, also rose from her chair and hugged Aleksis.

”Happy anniversary, Sister-in-law... Thank you for stopping by and meeting us here.”

Aleksis was amazed to see how L really respected her and could only pat her on the back.

”Ah, it's okay. I'm delighted to be able to come here and meet you in person, as well as see my beautiful niece. Good luck with the preparations for your wedding. I'm sure your party will be more successful than ours...” Aleksis chuckled, remembering the events of last year when she almost married Nicolae, and at the last moment, her groom was replaced by Alaric.