Chapter 71 - Moving out - Moving in (1/2)

It's been two days and Caspar still had not left Finland's pavilion. He even asked John and Ms. Law to bring some of his clothes there. When Finland asked why he had not moved back to his room, Caspar gave no clear explanation.

”I just want to stay with you. Monday to Friday you are busy with work; only on weekends I can see you all day,” complained Caspar. ”You refused to quit working, even though I am able to fulfill all your needs and desires...”

”Honey, I am just enjoying my work life, I am happy to meet many people, and experience what it feels like to live as an adult.” Finland held Caspar's hand and stroke his cheek, ”I want to live a normal life as much as possible, so that I can prepare myself if one day I will follow you and become a part of the Alchemist clan. I don't want to look back and regret missing out a lot of things.”

”So, you are considering it?” Caspar asked, hopeful.

”Yes. Give me a year... I want to work, enjoy my life as a normal person and slowly bid goodbye to Jean and my old life.”

Caspar nodded in understanding. He had never met anyone who refused to live young forever. But Finland was not just anyone.

For her, taking the immortality was not luck but a sacrifice that must be made in order to be with the man she loved, even though Finland herself was an orphan who didn't have many friends. She only had one friend, Jean, and that was what made it more difficult.

Caspar realized that he came later in her life and so he had to respect the existing relationship between Finland and Jean which intertwined years before his presence.

”But don't you feel cramped in my pavilion?” Finland asked again. She thought about Caspar's penthouse at the Continental Hotel, which was almost 600 m2.

”I don't need space when I am with you,” Caspar answered briefly.

”Oh, okay.”

Actually, Finland was the one who needed a little space and privacy. These past two days Caspar was like a newly-adopted puppy who followed his owner (namely Finland) wherever she went.

Finland felt it was rather difficult to do other work or chat with Jean. She remembered that Jean seemed rather sad when he arrived in Paris yesterday. Finland wanted to know how he was now.

Finally, Finland decided to move into the main house, so they could have more space.

”Are you sure you want to move to the main house?” Caspar asked with a happy face.

”Yes, because my pavilion is too small for the both of us,” replied Finland. She read many articles that said that people living in a cramped space tend to become more stressful and it could trigger fights.

”Okay. Then tonight we sleep in my room.” Caspar said happily.