Part 30 (1/2)
”Everyone here looks through up with tears ”You don't understand I'm not supposedtotalk toanybodyandeveryone acts asif I shouldbe gratefuljust tobeinNan-tucket, asifthiswere theFreshAir Fundorso now
”I respectyou soin therefortheGrayer?” I s
”A G-string bikini and a cowboy hat, what else You?” I button the top button of an and pull upthewoolturtleneckclosearound windblows offtheAtlantic
”Sweatpants”God,I misshi+ with the porn stars Repeat: tulip barges and Anne Frankmuseum kay pornstars otokay”
”Got it, partner, keep your hat on and shoot straight from? The phone abruptly clicks and a dial tone blares intothe receiver into the Plexi-glas damn, daobuy alotof fudge, when the old cell phone explodes in shrill beeping, causingto ain as I march sole place I shove the cigarette pack deep into the pocket oflot I can hear barking co froh the
”Let's get going I want to ht,” Mr X says as I strap myself in beneath the canoe and heavyraindropssplatterthewindshi+eld
”Makeit stop,Nanny!” Grayer saysgrumpily ”I don't likethat”
Mr X turns offthecarandthe Xes joginto thehouse, evading thelast of thedrizzle, while I struggleto unbuckle Grayer and carry the whi crate in after the the retriever puppy out, just as an elderly woes fromthekitchen
”Grandht Iher scarf and carefully soasnottotouchthemildealls
”Mother” Mr X looks as if he's just been zapped with a stun gun, but then recovers,forward autohere?”
”Well, that's a finewaytogreet yourwife calledee ca up at the peeling paint ”Although, honestly, I don't knohy I couldn't have coht the nine thirty I tried calling from the ferry, but the line was busy, and as much fun as it would have beentowait intherainandeatoneofthefried breadproductsavailable for THE NANNY DIARIES purchaseatyour char stationI decidedtohail a cab”I standjustoutside oftheir triangle,takingin the grande dame who has spawned this faranded me to Vassar reunions for the class of 1862 She's real Boston Brahmin, part KatharineHepbulides forwardtogive her uardedkiss ”CanI takeyour coat?” Call theunion rs X istaking acoat!
Elizabeth slips out of her beige Burberry trench, revealing a blue and white polka-dot pleated dress
”Darling?” Mrs X says to Mr X, who still looks stunned ”You're always saying how you two don't get tospendenoughtiiveyou alittle surprise”
”I saidhi, Grandhtly with her hands on her thighs ”You look just like your father Now, run along”Shestraightensup ”Who's this?Andwhat's that?”
”Elizabeth, this is Nanny She looks after Grayer” I shi+ft the puppy to my left arnoresthegestureandreachesintoherpursetopullout apackofBensonandHedges
”That's Grayer's newdog,” Mr Xsaysjovially
”I hateit,”Grayer saysfromthecouch
”Wouldyoulike a cocktail,Mother?”
”Oh,I thinkwe onlyhavevodka,Elizabeth,”Mrs Xsays
”Send'm sorry,asyournao,Mother”
”I just traveled three hours through torrential rain to spend tihthave aheartattack anyday”Shepatshi+s protrudingstomach ”SendNan”
”Well, Mother,theinsurancedoesn't cover?
Sheturnstome ”Nan,canyoudrive?”
”Doyouhave, onyourperson, a validdriver's license?”
”Son,give herthekeys Dowe needanythingelse?” sheasksMrs X
”No,I thinkwe haveeverything, Elizabeth”
”The Clarks and the Have you, dear, there's only rabbit foodNan,comewith me tothekitchen I'll reen kitchen, dragging the dog crate behind entlybackonher towelassoonasI latchthecagedoorshe resu Elizabeth throws open a few cupboards, while I take a piece of paper from the pad by the phone ”This place is quite a shi+thole,” she in, tonic, Clamato, tomato juice, Tabasco, Worcestershi+re, leust ”What the hell is soy ? Carr's watercrackersandelse?”
”Um, rand WASPs, the key is to put out only a tiny silver bowl of eachiteles haveclass ”Son!Canyoupleaseput thatGoddaraine!” sheshouts
”Co,Mother” Mr andMrs Xenter thekitchen
”I couldn't agree arage,” Mrs X instructsnoises to the puppy as we carry her out to the cold garage Her brown eyes stare up at irl,”I ureoutwhoI'to
Mrs X follows us down the rickety wooden steps as er the crate onto the damp cement floor
”Nanny, here are the keys” She holds theood” She looks doith disdain ”I think it'll berabs her by the elbow and steers her into the corner by the boiler ”How dare you invite her without consultingfor the keys, I crouch down to adjustthepuppy's towel, tryingtomakemyself asunobtrusive aspossible
”Buthoney,itwas a surprise 1 wasjusttryingto?