Part 28 (1/2)

”DoyouhaveanyScotch?” Mr X asks

”Winewouldbegreat,” Mrs Xsays,s,”Mrs Xsays ”Where aretheother girls?”

”Setting the table Would you excuse ether,” Caroline says

”Wouldyoulikeanyhelp?” I ask

”Actually,that'dbegreat,if youdon't s with the barbecue, while we follow Caroline into the kitchen, where Lulu and Katie, ages eightand six, are sitting at thetable, rolling up napkins and putting thes

”Nanny!” They leap up as soon as I corin

I pickup Katieandquicklydipher backward,holdingontoherlegs,thengive Luluherturn

”Wouldyouthesalad?” Carolinehandsoffthebowland aMasonjarfull of dressing

”Not atall”AsI startflippingthelettuceI noticethesweet aro

”WhatcanI do?” Mrs Xasks

”Oh,nothingI wouldn't wantyoutoruinyourbeautifulcoat”

”Honey?”We hearJackcalling fromthebackyard

”Lu, wouldyourunoutsideandseewhatDadwants?”Thelittlegirl corill's ready”

”Okay,will youcarrythesteaksouttohirilledcheesefordinner”

Lulupicks uptheintentlyatthepileof?” Mrs X askscasually

”With us”


”I wantedtoask you afavor,” Carolinesays, circlingtheislandtoputherhandonMrs X's ar”

”I have a friend fro divorced andback to New York fro abit” , ”Not atall?

”It's just thatbeing up inWestchester I can't do as oodrealestateagent,she's lookingfor a place”

”Well, there's athree-bedroothat's onthefor astudioIt's a horriblesituation?eventhoughher ex-husbandwastheone c-h-e-a-t-i-n-g, none of the assets were in his naotten nothing”

Mrs X's eyes widen ”That'sterrible”

”So anythingyoucandotohelp, I'd reallyappreciate I'll callyouwhenshegets here”

When we all get to the table, I'irls haveour names on thes Katie and Lulu have asked to have me seated between them, while Mrs X is placed between Grayer and Ellie and spendsEllie's questionsabouther coat

Ferdie co forscrapsatJack's feet

”We had aretriever whenI was aboy,” Mr Xsays, spooningmustardontohis secondsteak

”Ferdie's a local, actually,” Caroline says ”One of the top breeders lives just down the road, if you're thinkingofgetting a puppy?

”Thisis sucha fabuloushouse,”Mrs Xsays, changingthesubjectassheplays with hersalad

”It wasbuiltbyCaroline's grandfather,” Jacksays

”With hisoohands,nonails, inthedriving rain,ifyoubelieve hihs

”You should see the overpriced beach shack mywife picked out We'll be luckyif the roof doesn't blow off,” Mr Xlaughs,corninhis teeth

”So,Nanny,whereareyouinschool?”Jackturnstoratulations!” Hes another ear of corn for Lulu ”So,haveyou figured outyourplans fornextyear?”

”You're such a dad” Caroline laughs at him across the table ”You don't have to answer that, Nanny” Shestandsup ”Whowantspie?”

”ME!ME!” thelittleHornersandGrayer all shout

As soon as the door swings behind her I stand to clear, but Jack stops oneWhatareyour plans?”

”I'anization in Brooklyn,” I tell hie whisper