Part 4 (1/2)

”She saidI havetouseany bells?” I ask, trying to rattle off the names I remember from the class list

”Hepicks his nose”


”She spitsKool-Aid”Hecrackshi+mself up

I sigh, looking out across the crowded courtyard Soet a flash of us?airport-reception style e in a chauffeur's cap, Grayer on nthatsays ”ALEX”

”Hi, I'm Murnel”An older, uniformed woman appears before us ”This isAlex Sorry, we had a bit of troubletearingourselves away fro to her nylon jacket ”Alex, say hello to Grayer,”shesaysin athickWestIndianaccent

Afterproperintroductionswepushour chargesover toFifthAvenue Like little oldmen inwheelchairs, theyrelaxbackintheirseats,lookaboutandoccasionallyconverse ”MyPowerRangerhas a subatoer's headoff”

Murnel and I are comparatively quiet Despite the fact that we share the same job title, in her eyes I probably have more in common with Grayer, as there are at least fifteen years and a long subway ride frocareof him?” Shenods downinthedirectionof Grayer's stroller

”Ahter looks after Alex's cousin, Benson, up on Seventy-second

You knowBenson?”sheinquires

”I don't thinksoIsheis intheir class?”

”Benson's a girl” We bothlaugh”Andshegoestoschoolacross theparkHowoldareyou?”

”Just turnedtwenty-one inAugust”I se I should introduce you He's real sot aboyfriend?”

”Nope, haven't met one lately who isn't reetodo pen a restaurant,I mean”

”Well, he's a real hard worker Gets it fro over to pick up the drainedjuiceboxAlexhas tossedintothestreet ”Mygrandson's hardworking,too,andhe's only seven

He's doingrealwell inhisclasses”

”That's great”

”My neighbor always says he's so good about doing his hoethome fromBenson,roundnine,usually”

”Nanny!I want

”Please,”Grayermumbles asI passhi+m asecondjuicebox

”Thankyou,”I correcthieshAlex's front door Thereis very little in this neighborhoodthatI haven't seen, but I'e strip of duct tape runningdown theto New York State law, if one spouse moves out the other can claiet the aparto for fifteen to twentyyears of bitter cohabitation while each spouse tries to wear down the other by, for exa in their half-nakedexerciseinstructor/lover tolive

”Okay, now you boys can play anywhere on that side,” she says, gesturing to the left side of the apartment

”Nanny, why is there a stripe? I fix Grayer with a quick Look of Death as I unbuckle his stroller and thenwait untilAlex isbehindertomylipsandpointtothetape

”Alex's ame,”I whisper ”We'll talkaboutitatho,”Alexannounces

”Noants grilled cheese?Alex, go show Grayer your new photongun,”Murnel says as theboys run off Sheturns towardthekitchen ”Makeyourself athoher eyes atthetape

I wanderintotheliving room,whichis fauxLouisXIV meetsJackieCollins,with anice,wide stripeof electrical tapedowntheiveit thatcertainjenesaisquoi I sitdohatI hope is the Switzerland area of the couch and instantly recognize the work of Antonio He's the assistant to one of the most popular decorators and will, for a minor consideration, pop by frequently to ”plump”

yourpillows Heis,inessence, a professionalpillow plumper

I trytoheavethetwenty-pound copyofTuscanHomes,thecurrentcoffeetablebookof choice,into through pictures of villas, I becoonthearethenose

”Hey,” he replies, co around the couch to slump face-first onto the cushi+on next to me, his ardownathis back,sosainstthewide blackvelvet stripes

”I wassupposedtobringling under Tuscan Hoes I feel the softness of his hair underincredibly etthis playdatebackontrack

”Lunch!” we hear called fro in there? Alex!” Murnel calls off towardhis roomytoys,” Grayer offers Murnelputsherhandsonherhips

”That boy Cohtened out” Grayer and I follow her past the kitchen where so loudly ”Hold on, hold on,” she says with a sigh She goes directly to the intercorilled-cheesesandwichesandslicedfruit

Shepressesthebutton ”Yes, ma'am?”

”Hasthemotherfuckercalled?” awoman's voice cracklesoutof thewall

”No,cardsI' check How hard is that? I mean, how am I supposed to feed Alex? fucker Did you pickup myLaMer?”

”Yes, ma'am”

Murnel picks up the tray and we follow her silently down toAlex's room I am the last one in Half the room is co as impromptu duct tape, and Alex, shi+rtless and shoeless, paces in front of a stockpile of all his earthly possessions He halts and looksupatus

”I toldthefuckerhehastobringhis owntoys”

Nanny, Please call the caterers and double-check what kind of utensils and linens they l be bringing forMrXparty Pleaseseethattheydropoff all thelinensinadvancesoConniecanrewashthem

Grayer has his St David interview today, after which I l be running to awith the florsi SoMrXwilldrivebyanddropGrayerofftoyouatprecisely1:45ontheNorth-Westcornerof Ninety-fifthandPark

Please be sure to be standing as close to the curb as possible so that the driver can see you Please get there by 1:30 just in case they e early I sure this goes without saying, but Mr X shouldnot havetogetoutof the car